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"He says there ain't to be no stick-ups, no gamblin', no bootleggin', no pocket pickin', no house jobs, no bunko stuff, no nothin' and dat goes. Da first bird dat tries workin' is gonna be run outa town, see?" "Where do you pick up that information, Murphy?" Brennan asked. "Well, da 'Gink' don't tell me poisonally, see? But I gets it straight, see?

Well, last year I had a tool dresser from up there; nice boy, but he got pneumonia and it turned into the 'con, so I took him home. He's back on his farm now, coughing his life away and doing a little bootleggin' to keep body and cough together. He's got a big place, but it's all run down and so poor you couldn't raise a dust on it with a bellows.

"Two hunderd dollars." "Did you get it?" "Yes." "Do you know what money it was?" "Church-organ money. He told me." "Why did he give it to you?" "I made him." "How?" "Lemme tell it my own way if I got to tell it.... He'd took my girl, and I never liked him, anyhow.... There'd been rumors his old man was bootleggin'. Nothin' to it, of course, and I knowed that. And I needed some money.

He was a great whiskey man and when whiskey went out, he went to bootleggin' and they got behind him and he left. "He wrote me once and said if I'd borrow some money on my home and send it to him, he'd come back.