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'What's the use of confessing to me when you do this foolishness? Dan, you've been playing with fire! I'll lay you more penance in a week than 'Come along to Purgatory with us, Father dear. The Boneens are on the move; they'll let us go now!

I'm thinking that the Boneens are short-sighted. It was a friend of Mulcahy's, or a man in the same trade. They'd a deal better ha' taken his beer, returned Dan reflectively. 'Better still ha' handed him up to the Colonel, said Horse Egan, 'onless but sure the news wud be all over the counthry an' give the reg'ment a bad name.

There is a legend of an English regiment that lay by its arms under fire chaunting "Sam Hall," to the horror of its newly appointed and pious colonel. The Black Boneens, who were suffering more than the Mavericks, on a hill half a mile away, began presently to explain to all who cared to listen

They were all horrible; the mother in New York was very far away, and the Regiment, the engine that, once you fall in its grip, moves you forward whether you will or won't, was daily coming closer to the enemy! They were brought to the field of MarzunKatai, and with the Black Boneens to aid, they fought a fight that has never been set down in the newspapers.

I'm thinking that the Boneens are short-sighted. It was a friend of Mulcahy's, or a man in the same trade. They'd a deal better ha' taken his beer," returned Dan reflectively. "Better still ha' handed him up to the Colonel," said Horse Egan, "onless but sure the news wud be all over the counthry an' give the reg'ment a bad name."

They were all horrible; the mother in New York was very far away, and the Regiment, the engine that, once you fall in its grip, moves you forward whether you will or won't, was daily coming closer to the enemy! They were brought to the field of Marzun-Katai, and with the Black Boneens to aid, they fought a fight that has never been set down in the newspapers.

"I'll speak to you after all's over," said Father Dennis authoritatively in Dan's ear. "What's the use of confessing to me when you do this foolishness? Dan, you've been playing with fire! I'll lay you more penance in a week than " "Come along to Purgatory with us, Father dear. The Boneens are on the move; they'll let us go now!"

Mulcahy must see his way to clear out behind him, or he'd not ha' come so far, talkin' powers of darkness." "Did you hear anything of a regimental coortmartial among the Black Boneens, these days? Half a company of 'em took one of the new draft an' hanged him by his arms with a tent-rope from a third-story verandah. They gave no reason for so doin', but he was half dead.

There is a legend of an English regiment that lay by its arms under fire chaunting 'Sam Hall, to the horror of its newly appointed and pious colonel. The Black Boneens, who were suffering more than the Mavericks, on a hill half a mile away, began presently to explain to all who cared to listen We'll sound the jubilee, from the centre to the sea, And Ireland shall be free, says the Shan-van Vogh.

Mulcahy must see his way to clear out behind him, or he'd not ha' come so far, talkin' powers of darkness. 'Did you hear anything of a regimental court-martial among the Black Boneens, these days? Half a company of 'em took one of the new draft an' hanged him by his arms with a tent-rope from a third story verandah. They gave no reason for so doin', but he was half dead.