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Whilst Master Teddy Springrove has been daddlen, and hawken, and spetten about having her, she's quietly left him all forsook. Serve him right. I don't blame the little woman a bit. 'Farmer Bollens is old enough to be her father! 'Ay, quite; and rich enough to be ten fathers. They say he's so rich that he has business in every bank, and measures his money in half-pint cups.

'Don't be so three-cunning if it is all, deliver you from the evil of raising a woman's expectations wrongfully; I'll skimmer your pate as sure as you cry Amen! 'Well, it isn't all. 'Got married! what, Lord-a-mercy, did Springrove come? 'Springrove, no no Springrove's nothen to do wi' it 'twas Farmer Bollens. They've been playing bo-peep for these two or three months seemingly.

He's a dull man Farmer Bollens is he always was. However, that's neither here nor there; he's a-married to a sharp woman, and if I don't make a mistake she'll bring him a pretty good family, gie her time. 'Well, it don't matter; there's a Providence in it, said the scullery-maid. 'God A'mighty always sends bread as well as children.

Manston, puffed herself out large, and said she was Mrs. Bollens, but that if he wished, she had no objection to keep on the house till the regular time of giving notice had expired, or till he could get another tenant. 'Just like her independence, said the cook. 'Well, independent or no, she's Mrs. Bollens now.