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Another lull, and then as I was leaving the room to give the matter a little quiet attention, I remarked to the boat-maker: "Outside of his foolish giving, you haven't anything against Charlie Potter, have you?" "Not a thing," he replied, in apparent astonishment. "Charlie Potter's one of the best men that ever lived. He's a good man." I smiled at the inconsistency and went my way.

"Well, does Potter give up everything and go without things?" I asked the boat-maker. "Purty blamed near it at times," he returned definitely, then addressing the company in general he added, "Look at the time he worked over there on Fisher's Island, at the Ellersbie farm the time they were packing the ice there. You remember that, Henry, don't you?" Mr. Main nodded. "What about it?"

"I believe in lookin' out for Number One, that's what I believe in," interrupted the boat-maker, laying down his rule and line. "This givin' up everything and goin' without yourself may be all right, but I don't believe it. A man's first duty is to his wife and children, that's what I say." "That's the way it looks to me," put in Mr. Main.

"He believes in the Lord and the Bible. Stands right square on it, only he don't belong to no church like. He's got the biggest heart I ever saw in a livin' being." "Course the other fellow didn't have any shoes for to wear," put in the boat-maker explanatorily, "but he never would work, anyhow."