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We can't do business direct with these with the people who have something to sell. You can draw your own inferences, Evan. I didn't send Hathaway to you; I sent him to your father." The train was thundering into the station and Blount picked up his hand-bag and went out, stumbling blindly in the unlighted passage at the stair-head.

I haven't forgotten your kindness to me when I was in town three weeks ago. Let's go and get out the chug-wagon." A little later Blount found himself handling the wheel of a very serviceable knockabout car equipped for hard work on country roads. When he was ready to go, he drove down to the railroad yard and hunted up his conductor. "After you have had your vacation, you may get orders from Mr.

"I know," smiled Blount; "the bill-paying is summed up in some railroad man's clever phrase, 'all the tariff the traffic will stand. I can remember one year when my father rose up in his wrath and drove his beef cattle one hundred and fifty miles across the Transcontinental tracks to the Overland Central." "That was in the old days," protested Gantry, who was loyal to his salt.

"Neither can I!" Blount exploded. "Let it be understood, once for all, Mr. Bentley, that I am not the scape-goat for all the other departments! I have cut it off short; I am not recommending passes for anybody." "But, suffering Scott, Mr. Blount, we've simply got to take care of Tom Gryson! He's the boss of his ward, and he has influence enough to turn even our own employees against us!"

You acknowledge my title, and that every bit of your work is being done on another man's ground; but, of course, if you make a strike I won't put any obstacles in your way. I'm for harmony, Mr. Blount, as big as a wolf; but there's one thing I want to ask you. Did you or did you not employ this Stiff Neck George to act as guard on the mine?

Their names were Harry Blount, Terence O'Connor, and Colin Macpherson. The fourth individual, who shared with them their frail embarkation, differed from all three in almost every respect, but more especially in years.

He felt better after he had told his father. It was highly necessary that he should tell some one; and who better? David Blount listened with the far-away look in his eyes which the son had more than once marked as the greatest of the changes chargeable to the aging years.

"Keep a scoop like this out of the papers?" Burgess laughed aloud. "You're talking through your hat, Blount, it can't be done." In one terrible flash Pauline saw her name in capitals, her photograph almost life-size, photographs of her trunk, the gorilla, Blount, in head-liners, too, and Harry, furious, too far away for moral suasion; stern, cold, unforgiving, worse still, disgusted.

And then, by-and-by, when he tried to bond the mine, Blount came up himself and tried to work it." "He did, eh?" cried the Colonel. "Well, by what right, I'd like to know, did he dare to take possession of the Paymaster?" "Oh, he'd bought up all the stock; and Mother, she took yours and " "What?" yelled the Colonel, and then he closed down his jaw and his blue eyes sparkled ominously.

"In that case," said the Earl of Sussex, somewhat discountenanced, "your Majesty will allow me to name my master of the horse, Master Nicholas Blount, a gentleman of fair estate and ancient name, who has served your Majesty both in Scotland and Ireland, and brought away bloody marks on his person, all honourably taken and requited."