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Yesterday they had been silent; if they moved at all it had been with deliberation and dignity. To-day they were a yelling, running, blood-seeking mob. "Awful! Did you ever see human beings like these?" asked Zeisberger. "No, no!" "I saw such a frenzy once before, but, of course, only in a small band of savages.

The swift passage of the purely inward sin of jealous envy into the murderous act, as soon as opportunity offered, teaches the short path which connects the inmost passions with the grossest outward deeds. Like Jonah's gourd, the smallest seed of hate needs but an hour or two of favouring weather to become a great tree, with all obscene and blood-seeking birds croaking in its branches.

And has a judge a right to instruct a jury in this way, as to what they shall, or shall not, believe? "You have to run after an active man, who has the start of you: to jump out of a carriage; to take your pistols; and THEN, your hammer. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE." By heavens! does it not make a man's blood boil, to read such blundering, blood-seeking sophistry?

Out of the forest came the droning of the wood-crickets, the last twitterings of the day birds, and the beginning of night sounds. A great shadow floated out over the river close to the bateau, the first of the questing, blood-seeking owls adventuring out like pirates from their hiding-places of the day.

The cause, the motive, sanctify his acts; while your career can find justification in the laws neither of heaven nor earth." "This is bold language to sound in the ears of a blood-seeking, remorseless pirate!" said the other, looking about him with a smile so proud and conscious that it seemed to proclaim how plainly he saw that the speaker relied on the very reverse of the qualities he named.

The novelty and excitement of the scene, and the infectious example of the maddened Africans, inspired Groot Willem and his companions with a savage, blood-seeking intoxication of mind that urged them forward with nearly as much insane earnestness as the most frenzied of the Makololo. The herds they had been driving before them were now concentrated into a quivering, struggling, noisy mass.

But the lowest and the deepest of its intonations reached the most distant ear, and no one who heard was left to doubt its meaning. "Mutiny!" he said, in a tone that strangely balanced between irony and scorn; "open, violent, and blood-seeking mutiny! Are ye tired of your lives, my men? Is there one, among ye all, who is willing to make himself an example for the good of the rest?