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She caught the new note perfectly and her bosom rose in a quick breath. "I am sure we might select a more interesting topic. I detest personalities. Tell me how you have enjoyed your first dip into Blancan society." "But that would be personal," smiled Dan. The girl laughed. "The women here to-night are a great deal less dowdy than one would imagine, don't you think?"

Dan walked slowly toward them. "Not any more than the day air," he replied, declining Oddington's proffered cigarette case and drawing his pipe and pouch from his pocket. "I should say that San Blancan air is filled with malaria at all times and with other bad things." Oddington laughed. "It is like most of these cities," he said; "things get pretty messy here, I imagine.

Yes, Dan could see that perfectly, and he could also see the bad taste that lay in intimating dissatisfaction with his employer's methods while wearing the uniform of Mr. Howland's company and receiving good pay therefor. And anyway, Mr. Howland had not asked him to cut Blancan warships in two and endanger the lives of the entire ship's company and guests.

He glanced at the Blancan navy two gunboats, formerly pleasure yachts, and a "battleship," once a steam-lighter which lay at strategic intervals across the harbor mouth and moved impatiently. "The scoundrels!" he ejaculated. "Why don't they shell those insurgents? They could end this promptly if they wished to.

Hard and straight he went, head to one side, jaws shut tight. Then he struck, one brawny shoulder snapping full into the man's midriff. You have to know how to fall when tackled by a good man. This San Blancan did not. He went down like a falling tower. The gun was discharged in the air with a resounding report and flew into the bushes. The man lay still, gasping.