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The unseen plateaus of the Blaa and Graa Fjelds, on either hand, spilled their streams over precipices from 1000 to 2000 feet in height, above whose cornices shot the pointed summits of bare grey rock, wreathed in shifting clouds, 4000 feet above the sea.

"After a pause in the dark. "Tell me, was he ... was Mubby.. back there, in our former life?" "O yes, he was there." "And Darrie, too?" "Yes, Darrie, too!" "If my name was Naa and your name was Kaa, what were their names?" "Mubby was named Baa and Darrie was Blaa!" This convulsed Hildreth. "You great, big, sweet fool of a poet, I do love you, I really do!"

"Of course I'm not trained in metaphysics, and there was lots I couldn't quite grasp, but I did feel it was inspiring. And she speaks so readily. I do think you ought to have got something out of it." "Well, I didn't! I swear, I was simply astonished, the way those women lapped it up! Why the dickens they want to put in their time listening to all that blaa when they "

They think in big hunks and keep a lot of words floating in the air.... What old Carl calls 'Blaa ... blaa...." The two friends sat regarding each other critically. Dorn nodded after a pause. "You're right," he smiled. "I'm part of the blaa-blaa. I heard them blaa-blaa with guns in Munich one night. And up in the Baltic. You're right. Anything one says about absurdity becomes absurd itself.