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"Soup the cook's getting ready; Dumlow, go and get the biscuit-bag." Jarette uttered a grunt, and there was a buzz of voices from below whose tones plainly enough told of eager expectation, for they had been pretty well starved since they had been shut down in the cabin. Dumlow fetched the bag of biscuits, and with the men watching me I prepared to go forward.

As Ailie did not quite understand this, she said, "Poor thing!" and again held out her hand. "Try it with a small taste o' mate," suggested Briant. "Right," said the captain. "Hand me the biscuit-bag, Glynn. There, now, Ailie, try it with that."

Say no more, therefore, for I am weary of living like a cony in a hole, and I shall be right glad to stand by you in your venture." That night, two hours after dark, a small boat put forth from the Basilisk. It contained Simon, Aylward and two seamen. The soldiers carried their swords, and Black Simon bore a brown biscuit-bag over his shoulder.

My blanket is wringing wet and my clothes are damp," and he fairly broke down and began to groan and sob. "Try and go to sleep," urged Augusta again. He made no answer, but by degrees he grew quieter, overwhelmed, perhaps, by the solemn presence of the darkness. Augusta laid her head against the biscuit-bag, and at last sank into blissful oblivion; for to the young, sleep is a constant friend.

"Hooray!" cried Billy faintly, as he jumped up and went to the stern, where his father soon produced the biscuit-bag and measured out the two small portions. "Cheatin' again, daddy," cried the Bu'ster with a remonstrative tone and look. "No, I ain't," said Gaff sharply, "eat yer supper, you scamp." Billy obeyed with alacrity, and disposed of his portion in three mouthfuls.

The major and Widgeon started off along the shore with a biscuit-bag to collect shell-fish, and at the muddy exit of a tiny stream came upon quite a swarm of little crabs, who challenged them to fight so Billy afterwards said by snapping their claws at them and flourishing them above their heads as they retreated to their holes.

"Here, give 's a drop o' summat; I'm as dry inside as a biscuit-bag." And my lips and throat felt dry too with excitement, while a strange feeling of despair came over me. Walters, Bob Hampton, Dumlow, and Blane all turned traitors. What was to become of the poor passengers, the officers, and myself? There was only one way out of the difficulty, and that was to join the prisoners in the cabin.

They do it because nature teaches them that, under the circumstances, it is best. The duty that devolved upon O'Riley was to roast small steaks of the walrus, in which operation he was assisted by West, while Fred undertook to get out the biscuit-bag and pewter plates, and to infuse the coffee when the water should boil.

I saw that if I left the biscuit-bag behind me, even for the shortest space of time, I might expect on my return to find every crumb gone out of it. Already I had lost nearly half of what I had taken from the box, and which I had calculated might keep me alive for a period of ten or twelve days.

They do it because nature teaches them that, under the circumstances, it is best. The duty that devolved upon O'Riley was to roast small steaks of the walrus, in which operation he was assisted by West; while Fred undertook to get out the biscuit-bag and pewter plates, and to infuse the coffee when the water should boil.