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The most scholarly and exhaustive study of social conditions is that of Maxime Kovalevsky, Die oekonomische Entwicklung Europas bis zum Beginn der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsform, trans. into German from Russian by Leo Motzkin, 7 vols.

They embraced the solution, and, no matter what I write now, I must remain a philosophical writer as long as I live, for the alphabet will hardly be altered in my time, and I must be something between "Bis" and "Poe."

For a complete and recent study of the question, see A. Lehmann, Aberglaube und Zauberei von den ältesten Zeiten bis in die Gegenwart, 1898. Lang, op. cit., I, 96. There will be found many other facts of this kind.

"Monsieur d'Arminges," said De Guiche, "remain beside this unfortunate man and see that he is removed as gently as possible. The vicomte and myself will go and find a priest." "Go, sir," replied the tutor; "but in Heaven's name do not expose yourself to danger!" "Do not fear. Besides, we are safe for to-day; you know the axiom, 'Non bis in idem." "Courage, sir," said Raoul to the wounded man.

His Majesty knows and is proud of it, for it shows their love of his countenance; and he says, 'bis dat qui cito dat, then how can I grumble at giving twice, when I give so slowly?" "Nay, I will take it but once," I said; "if His Majesty loves to be robbed, he need not lack of his desire, while the Spanks are sixteen in family."

"What you have been, even such have I before And all you say, say I, and somewhat more, Babe's innocence, youth's wildness I have seen, And in perplexed middle Age have been; Sickness, dangers and anxieties have past, And on this stage am come to act my last, I have been young and strong and wise as you; But now Bis pueri senes, is too true.

Shortly before his death he prayed the stanza: "Mach' End', o Herr, mach' Ende An aller unsrer Not, Staerk' unsre Fuess' und Haende Und lass bis in den Tod Uns allzeit deiner Pflege Und Treu' empfohlen sein, So gehen unsre Wege Gewiss zum Himmel ein."

"Why doesn't he say something?" cried the Professor, unable to restrain his impatience longer, bis overwrought nerves almost at the breaking point. "Keep still! Don't bother him. The boy's doing the best he can. Mebby you think he's having some sort of a picnic down there, eh?" glared Lige. "A l l right!" Tad's voice, now strong and clear, rose from the depths of the canyou.

Philip of Macedon dreamed, he sealed up bis wife's belly; whereby he did expound it, that his wife should be barren; but Aristander the soothsayer, told him his wife was with child, because men do not use to seal vessels, that are empty. A phantasm that appeared to M. Brutus, in his tent, said to him, Philippis iterum me videbis. Tiberius said to Galba, Tu quoque, Galba, degustabis imperium.

The Romans give three: "Bis duo sunt homines, manes, caro, spiritus, umbra." The same belief is found among nearly all savages. The Fijians distinguish between the spirit which is buried with the dead man and that more ethereal spirit which is reflected in the water and lingers near the place where he died.