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I wasn't going to have that bold girl sending billy-doos on the sly to my son. 'Under these circumstances, drily said Sir Jasper, 'I presume that you will think it expedient to withdraw the prosecution. 'Certainly, certainly, said Mr. Stebbing, in the tone of one delivered from great alarm.

"Why, as I come in I was a lettle early, knowin' you was here I heard as I s'posed Cap'n Abe in the sittin'-room. I saw this letter, sealed and directed to me, on the dresser there. 'Humph! says I, 'Who's writin' billy-doos to me, I'd admire to know? And I up and opened it and see it's in Cap'n Abe's hand. Just then I heard him behind me " "Heard who? Not Cap'n Abe?" "No, no!

He drew out of his pocket an envelope and held it away from Dickie. "You're trying to job me, Jim," but Dickie had his head coaxingly on one side and his face was pink. "I'll give it to you if you can guess the sender." "Babe?" "Wrong." "Girlie?" "Well, sir, it ain't Girlie's fist not the fist she uses when she drops me billy-doos." Dickie's eyes fell.

"Go," she said, with a fat little gesture. "Mebbe you've got pressin' business. Mebbe you want to write billy-doos to Mrs. Hilliard. Mebbe them opery glasses needs dustin' off s'more." He fled lest she say worse.

But if you really think you can give the other Johnnie a cut on the head with her letters well, in the interests of true love, which never DOES run smooth, I don't mind letting you have a squint, as my friend, at one of her charming billy-doos." He took a bundle from a drawer, ran his eye over one or two with a maudlin air, and then selected a specimen not wholly unsuitable for publication.

"'Pears to me like you Injun-killers from t'other side o' the mounting is in a mighty hot sweat to hang somebody," he said, as coolly as if he were addressing a mob of underlings. "Here's a mess o' billy-doos with Lord Cornwallis's name to 'em that I found 'mongst Major Ferguson's leavings.