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Seeing the military and police they halted for a moment and gave one time to have, a word with them: "Whither go ye?" we asked, and they replied that they were bound to the big Bhangi settlement that lies not far from the Circle.

And yet behind it and around it the daily life of the people moved forward in its accustomed channel, The Bhandari's liquor-shop at the corner had its full complement of patrons, and the Bhandari himself might be seen pulling out handfuls of thirst-producing parched grain for those of his customers who desired a relish with their liquor; members of that degraded class which follows one of the immemorial vices of the East wandered round the Marwaris' shops, begging and clapping their hands in the manner peculiar to them; and across the diameter of the Circle strayed a group of Barots those strange semi-gipsy looking men from Kathiawar who act as priests and magicians to the Bhangi population.

"But they are both to be hanged at the same time that I am, and I do not grudge that I am to be innocently hanged for their plot and the blowing up of the bhangi by mistake for the Collector, for I have long aspired to be holy martyr in Freedom's sacred cause and have photo in newspapers and be talked about. "Besides, as I have said, I am not being done brown, as I murdered Mr.