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We are here but as schoolboys, whose life begins where school ends; and the battles we fought with our rivals, and the toys that we shared with our playmates, and the names that we carved, high or low, on the wall above our desks, will they so much bestead us hereafter? As new fates crowd upon us, can they more than pass through the memory with a smile or a sigh?

Stephen's vision swept into his soul, as on a mighty wave, the fact, overwhelming if it had not been so transcendently strengthening to the sorely bestead prisoner, that the Jesus whom he had trusted unseen, was still the same Jesus that He had been 'in the days of His flesh, and, with whatever changes, still was 'found in fashion as a man. He still 'bent on earth a brother's eye. Whatever He had dropped from Him as He ascended, His manhood had not fallen away, and, whatever changes had taken place in His body so as to fit it for its enthronement in the heavens, all that had knit Him to His humble friends on earth was still His.

And then Sir Launcelot said unto Guenever, in hearing of the king and them all: Madam, now I must depart from you and this noble fellowship for ever; and sithen it is so, I beseech you to pray for me, and say me well; and if ye be hard bestead by any false tongues, lightly my lady send me word, and if any knight's hands may deliver you by battle, I shall deliver you.

Never, I pray, may any prince of my own country be so bestead, and so ill- served, that, when he has won battles and gained cities two or three, and needs but to ride forward and win all his kingdom, he shall be turned back by the little faith of his counsellors! Never may such a thing befall a prince of Scotland!

Now in the beginning of that battle Sir Tristram was at first sore bestead and wist that he had met the biggest knight that ever he had encountered in all of his life, unless it was Sir Launcelot of the Lake, whom he had encountered as aforetold of in this history. So at first he bore back somewhat from the might of the blows of Sir Nabon.

I got very tired of reading all day long, and I had nothing to read but the Bible; and you know, Ma’am, I told you I have been all wrong ever since I came here, and I didn't like to read that much." "My poor child!" said the lady "you have been hardly bestead, I think. What if you were to come and spend next Sunday with me? Don't you think I should do instead of a kitten?"

If I may I shall tell ye that which ye should courteously have asked of this knight, who never yet was so hardly bestead by any man that he fell from his steed." Quoth the Moor: "Ye say well. Of him have I asked many, this long while past; I have ridden hither and thither this half year, and here and there have I sought him.

"When she the same had taken That was so fine and thin, It shrivelled all about her, And showed her dainty skin. "Ah! little did her mincing, Or his long prayers bestead; She had no more hung on her Than a tassel and a thread. "Down she threw the mantle, With terror and dismay, And with a face of scarlet To her chamber hied away.

Their counsel was to send for him, that they might be friends, for in a quarrel, if Sir Tristram were hard bestead, many men would hold with him against the king; and if so peerless a knight should depart from King Mark's court and go to King Arthur's he would get himself such friends there that Cornwall would be in ill repute.

'And though she is herself in sore straits and narrowly bestead by a cruel and oppressive earl, who would rob her of these last few acres, yet she hath ever a tender heart for those in greater distress than herself. 'It grieves me, said Sir Owen, 'that the lady is oppressed by that felon earl. He should be hindered, and that sternly.