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As for his present occupation, Beruna was giving him a lesson in the gipsy language, which he was acquiring with a rapid facility, which quite exceeded all his previous efforts in such acquisitions. Suddenly a scout sang out that a party was in sight. The men instantly disappeared; the women were on the alert; and one ran forward as a spy, on pretence of telling fortunes.

'Well, you shall see a little more of us before you decide, said Morgana, thoughtfully, and turning the conversation. 'Beruna. 'Ay! ay! Morgana! Get a bed ready for the gentleman. 'Ay! ay! Morgana' gaily exclaimed the girl, and she ran off to prepare a bed for the Lord of Cadurcis. Dr.

It was the afternoon of the third day after the arrival of Cadurcis at the gipsy encampment, and nothing had yet occurred to make him repent his flight from the abbey, and the choice of life he had made. He had experienced nothing but kindness and hospitality, while the beautiful Beruna seemed quite content to pass her life in studying his amusement.

But thou, if thou art here, or to be found, thy blood alone will satiate them. If they be persuaded that thou hast escaped, as I yet pray thou mayest, their late master here, whom they could scarcely love, why, give me thy arm an instant, sweet Beruna. So, that's well.

'Gentle Rachel, I fear I trouble you; sweet Beruna, I thank you for your zeal. I am better now; the shock was great. These are strange tidings, maidens. 'Yes, dear lady! who would have thought of your brother turning out a Captain? 'I am sure I always thought he was the quietest person in the world, said Beruna, 'though he did kill Alschiroch.

'He is handsomer than Alschiroch, said Rachel. 'What a shawl! said Beruna. 'His scimitar was like lightning, said Leah. 'And his steed like thunder, said Imra. 'The evil eye fall on him! said Bathsheba. 'Lord, exclaimed Miriam, 'remember David and all his afflictions!

Beruna and Bathsheba received their mistress when she returned to her chamber. They marked her desolate air. She was silent, pale, and cold. They bore her to her couch, whereon she sat with a most listless and unmeaning look; her quivering lips parted, her eyes fixed upon the ground in vacant abstraction, and her arms languidly folded before her.

It was long past midnight; the young widow of Abner reposed upon a couch in a soft slumber. The amiable Beruna and the beautiful Bathsheba, the curtains drawn, watched the progress of the night. 'Shall I wake her? said the beautiful Bathsheba. 'Methinks the stars are paler! She bade me rouse her long before the dawn. 'Her sleep is too benign! Let us not wake her, replied the amiable Beruna.

Beruna stole behind her, and supported her back with pillows, and Bathsheba, unnoticed, wiped the slight foam from her mouth. Thus Miriam remained for several hours, her faithful maidens in vain watching for any indication of her self-consciousness. Suddenly a trumpet sounded. 'What is that? exclaimed Miriam, in a shrill voice, and looking up with a distracted glance.

'One could never get a word out of him, said Rachel. 'He was always moping alone, said Beruna. 'And when one spoke to him he always turned away, said Leah. 'Or blushed, added Imra. 'Well, for my part, said the beautiful Bathsheba, 'I always thought Prince David was a genius. He had such beautiful eyes! 'I hope he will conquer Hassan, said Rachel. 'So do I, said Beruna.