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Several flocks of birds were visible on the shore, bitterns, curlews, bernicle geese, and teal, which hovered and chirped and filled the air with their flutterings and cries, doubtless protesting against the invasion of their domain. Godfrey was justified in concluding that where there were birds there were nests, and where there were nests there were eggs.

Now, there is a simpler way, dear Tartlet. Behold!" And carefully taking one of the eggs of the bernicle goose, he broke the shell at its end, and adroitly swallowed the inside without any further formalities. Tartlet could not make up his mind to imitate him, and contented himself with the shell-fish. It now remained to look for a grotto or some shelter in which to pass the night.

Bernicle geese and bernicle shells, confused in name, thus became confused in nature; and, once started, the ordinary process of growth was sufficient to further intensify, and render more realistic, the story of the bernicle tree and its wonderful progeny.

The air at this season is full of great birds eagles, buzzards, hawks, and falcons soaring in circles to look out for prey among the flocks of wild swans, white geese, bernicle geese and brent geese, duck and teal, which cover the backwaters and the marshes and shallow lagoons. Turkey buzzards, coming up from the south, act as scavengers during the summer months.

Professor Tartlet and he set to work to forage among the interstices of the stones, and beneath the carpet of sea-weeds, and not without success. They soon collected quite a notable quantity of mussels and periwinkles, which they could eat raw. A few dozen eggs of the bernicle geese were also found among the higher rocks which shut in the bay on the north.

Bennett, Dr., on birds of paradise. Berbers, fertility of crosses with other races. Bernicla antarctica, colours of. Bernicle gander pairing with a Canada goose. Bert, M., crustaceans distinguish colours. Bettoni, E., on local differences in the nests of Italian birds. Beyle, M., see Bombet. Bhoteas, colour of the beard in. Bhringa, disc-formed tail-feathers of.

One of the most curious fables regarding animals which can well be mentioned, is that respecting the so-called "Bernicle" or "Barnacle Geese," which by the naturalists and educated persons of the Middle Ages were believed to be produced by those little Crustaceans named "Barnacles."

Gonepteryx Rhamni, sexual difference of colour in. Goodsir, Prof., on the affinity of the lancelet to the ascidians. Goosander, young of. Goose, Antarctic, colours of the. Goose, Canada, pairing with a Bernicle gander. Goose, Chinese, knob on the beak of the. Goose, Egyptian. Goose, Sebastopol, plumage of. Goose, Snow-, whiteness of the. Goose, Spur-winged.

Their harsh clamor had a note of unrest and rang through the dark like a trumpet call, stirring the blood. The brant and bernicle beat their way North against the roaring winds, and man with a different instinct pressed on towards the West. It was a rich land that rolled back before him towards the setting sun.

The learned author of the "Science of Language" argues that the true barnacles were named, properly enough, Bernaculae, and lays stress on the fact that Bernicle geese were first caught in Ireland. That country becomes Hibernia in Latin, and the Irish geese were accordingly named Hibernicae, or Hiberniculae.