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Ah, well she giveth no sign; and to-morrow she also setteth sail for Cyprus, being created chief lady in waiting to her fair, young cousin." "The Lady of the Bernardini in the court of the Caterina! Impossible! She, in whose salons one might not think one's own thoughts!" "By San Tadoro! one might think them, at one's ease, so only they were of a quality to please her."

An Embassy to France, of which he should be chief his father held it before him, and the Lady of the Bernardini hath been eager that her son should bear his father's honors: that, measured with this mission to Cyprus to attend the charming little cousin, as private Chamberlain to the Queen, forsooth, a man twice her years and already of an acknowledged dignity!"

So quietly they went, along the shore, lingering where the nets are thrown by the shallows, to take the galley by surprise the Lady of the Bernardini shrouded in the mantle of a fisher-woman." "And after? When they had found him? For it was not told where they hid the child or I heard it not."

Yet the galley of Naples lieth in our port, and one may reach it at low tide over the shallows a few feet away from the tower of the Fort. It were easy to carry the child there unseen." "Aye; it were easy and not so hard to find him if he were there." "Nay, but to hold him when found! Do it not rashly, lest harm come to him. The Bernardini will plan the emprise.

It was the Bernardini whose swift thought had sent the first faithful account of the revolt of the Council of the Realm to the Signoria his ingenuity which had secured the delivery of this true statement before the false story under the signature forced from Caterina had reached Venice his prowess that had generaled the uprising of the citizens for the Queen's release his devotion that had rescued the infant Prince from captivity his foresight that had sent warning to the Admiral Mocenigo before he could be summoned from Venice to the rescue.

The details of this romantic intrigue were not known until long afterward in the court-circle, except by the few who had intercepted and frustrated the carefully-laid plans; but there were many hints of some concealed happening of deep interest which made delightful themes for romantic conjecture whenever the younger maids of honor found themselves happily without the dignified supervision of the Lady of the Bernardini and Madama di Thénouris, or the equally-to-be-evaded younger maid-of-honor, Margherita de Iblin.

Men, women and children flocked into the deserted streets and eagerly followed the cavalcade of Knights to the Piazza San Nicolò, where the crowd was increasing every moment; and when Bernardini and Mutio di Costanzo appeared among them, they were greeted with cheers and vivas. "Regina!" "Madonna Nostra Reale!" "Regina!" "Subito! Subito!"

The situation in Famagosta had been briefly indicated in the despatch which the courier of Bernardini had urged his spent and panting steed to deliver in Nikosia; there were also certain dark hints of rumors current among the outraged populace, that Rizzo, Chief-of-the-Council appointed to help the Queen, might soon be master of all the strongholds of the island, having forced letters from the Queen commanding their surrender to the envoys of the Chief-of-Council.

And because Alicia is sister to this Messer Tristan I have done much thinking of late it is time for the Bernardini to return. Let us give over talk." "Alicia de Giblet was sister to that traitor!" one of them exclaimed indignantly; "and we never dreamed it! But she was gentilissima; poverina! Ah, the pity of it!"

Society receives and pets her just the same, and, quite impartial, receives and pets the husband also. Luisa Bernardini, a glowing little countess, as plump as an ortolan, dimpling with smiles, an ugly old husband at her side comes next. It is whispered, unless the ugly old husband is blind as well as deaf, they will be separated, too, very shortly.