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He was able to analyze only one case and she retained her affect; it was even labile and marked. One suspects that such a case might, perhaps, not really find a place in theBenommenheitgroup even as Bleuler himself describes it.

He writes, of course, mainly of dementia præcox, but makes some remarks germane to our problem. In the first place he denies the existence of stupor as a clinical entity, except perhaps as the quintessence ofBenommenheit”, it is the result of total blocking of mental processes.

But in stupor the deficit in understanding, incapacity to solve simple problems and failure of memory seem deep-rooted and fundamental symptoms. So far is this true that Bleuler looks onschizophreniccases with this symptom ofBenommenheitas organic in etiology. It may be said at the outset that we do not share this view for many reasons.

He speaks, for instance, of the visits of relatives waking the patient up. His only real group isBenommenheit,” which he separates out as a true clinical entity. This seems to correspond roughly with ourPartial Stupors.” It is essentially an affectless, thinking disorder, usually acute, sometimes chronic, occurring among schizophrenics.