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It was during one of these excursions an excursion into the Brianza that they not long ago fell in with a large party of old friends from England, come together fortuitously at Bellagio. Descending early in the evening from the luxuriant hills across which they had been driving through a long green June day, they halted at the hospitable open gate of the Villa Giulia.

He sat up late that night, concocting a skilful, cautious, appealing letter; and as he re-wrote it carefully, all by himself, in the silence, it seemed to him almost as if he were beseeching Nan to reconsider the verdict she had given at Bellagio more than three years before. Life would begin all over again if only she would say yes.

It was about three weeks after the rendezvous at Bellagio, that Sir Guy and Lady Morville arrived at Vicenza, on their way from Venice. They were in the midst of breakfast when Arnaud entered, saying, 'It was well, Sir Guy, that you changed your intention of visiting the Valtelline with Captain Morville. 'What! Have you heard anything of him? 'I fear that his temerity has caused him to suffer.

Change of scene and air, you know." "Where are you going?" "Oh, 'most anywhere. I shall be at Bellagio to-morrow, and at Pontresina the day after. Then I shall dip down towards Scheveningen. And Zante, if possible I have always wanted to try Zante." He smiled jovially.

As for me, I have been in Milan many a time, and its sights are an old story. I will therefore go on early to-morrow morning, leaving your party to follow; for I have acquaintances who live in a charming villa near Bellagio the Duke and Duchess of Gravellotti and I wish to ask them as soon as possible to call on the Countess."

But the knowledge that the hopes which poppa was reducing to dust and ashes were fervently fixed on a floral hat and a yellow bun over which he had no control, on the other side of the ship, overcame me, and I looked at Bellagio to hide my emotions instead, in a way which they might interpret as obstinate, if they liked.

The young American girl had already said to her father, when he asked her to give up her search for an entirely satisfactory European suitor, which search he feared might drag on forever without any results: "Oh! I shall be sure to find him at Bellagio!" And she made up her mind that there he was to be sought and found at any price.

'There is one good thing, said the cavaliere, as they walked away, 'we can find the captain now. I'll write and ask him shall I say to meet us at Varenna or at Bellagio? 'Whichever suits him best, I should think. It can't make much difference to us. 'Your voice has a disconsolate cadence, said Guy, looking at her with a smile.

Barrymore's judgment about where we were to stop at Bellagio, for even Sir Ralph had never done more than pass through the place; and he had telegraphed for rooms at a hotel on a high promontory above the lake, once the château of a famous old Italian family. It is still called the villa Serbelloni, and Mr.

He made no further fight and, knowing that she was dead, carried her to a couch, laid her gently down, then turned and stretched his arms for the handcuffs. A moment later Mark Brendon entered from the house. "Poggi sent no message and Albert Redmayne has not been seen at Bellagio," he said. Two men travelled together in the train de luxe from Milan to Calais.