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Poyser delighted in this noisy exit; it was a fresh assurance to her that the farm-yard was well guarded, and that no loiterers could enter unobserved; and it was not until the gate had closed behind the captain that she turned into the kitchen again, where Dinah stood with her bonnet in her hand, waiting to speak to her aunt, before she set out for Lisbeth Bede's cottage. Mrs.

Among the latter the chronological epitome appended to Bede's Ecclesiastical History may be specially mentioned. But even this common stock exists in two different recensions, in A, B, C, on the one hand, and D, E on the other.

She put the paper into his hands. "It's the notice for 'The Times; James and I made it up last night. James thought it would save you trouble, master " Mrs. Ferguson always hesitated between this common University custom of address and plain, "Dr. Grey." "Thank you; Mr. Ferguson is always kind," returned the Master of Saint Bede's. "You see," continued Mrs.

I'll come to the vestry door, if there is a vestry door at St. Bede's. Priest: It's impossible. You've no idea of the crush. And I've no favourites. Woman: Oh yes, you have! You have me. Priest: In my church, fashionable women must take their chance with the rest. Woman: How horrid you are. Priest: Perhaps.

It is London in October two months further on in the story. Bede's Inn has this peculiarity, that it faces, receives from, and discharges into a bustling thoroughfare speaking only of wealth and respectability, whilst its postern abuts on as crowded and poverty-stricken a network of alleys as are to be found anywhere in the metropolis.

V.R. not the God of gods, the Amen, the Lord of Hosts, but one of their idols which they worshipped. Sometimes called Ruoichin, Ruith-in, or "river island," separated from the rest of Kent and the mainland of Britain by the estuary of the Wantsum, which, though now a small brook, was formerly navigable for large vessels, and in Bede's time was three stadia broad, and fordable only at two places.

I may tell you, Miss Cohenson, that I've seen two duchesses standing at the back of the aisle of St. Bede's, and glad to be. Woman: But I shan't flatter you by standing at the back of your aisle, and you needn't think it. Haven't I given you a box before now? Priest: I only accepted the box as a matter of duty; it is part of my duty to go everywhere. Man: Come with me, Miss Cohenson.

And in these two monasteries Bede spent all the rest of his life. When Bede was eight years old Caedmon died. And although the little boy had never met the great, but humble poet, he must have heard of him, and it is from Bede's history that we learn all that we know of Caedmon. There is almost as little to tell of Bede's life as of Caedmon's.

And now having in some degree cleared the ground of difficulties, let us go back to the Lives of the Saints. If Bede tells us lies about St. Cuthbert, we will disbelieve his stories; but we will not call Bede a liar, even though he prefaces his life with a declaration that he has set down nothing but what he has ascertained on the clearest evidence. We are driven to no such alternative; our canons of criticism are different from Bede's, and so are our notions of probability. Bede would expect

He "ground his teeth," "he seemed to devour" Miss Eyre "with his flaming glance." Miss Eyre behaved with sense. "I retired to the door." Proposals of this desperate and homicidal character are probably rare in real life, or, at least, out of lunatic asylums. To be sure, Mr. Rochester's house was a kind of lunatic asylum. Adam Bede's proposal to Dinah was a very thoughtful, earnest proposal.