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"I mean" he explained "I mean that neither Tommy Fox nor Peter Mink can fool me. They can't make me believe that they've seen anybody hanging by his tail in a tree-top." "Why not?" asked Mr. Crow's cousin, Jasper Jay. "Becaws " said Mr. Crow. And then he corrected himself once more. "Because," he replied, "no 'possum ever came so far North as this.

Ward, ef you could see your husband now, just as he prowdly emerjis from the presunts of the futur King of Ingland, you'd be sorry you called him a Beest jest becaws he cum home tired 1 nite and wantid to go to bed without takin orf his boots. You'd be sorry for tryin to deprive yure husband of the priceliss Boon of liberty, Betsy Jane!"

Poor thing! The end of Mr. Deuceace's history is going to be the end of my corrispondince. I wish the public was as sory to part with me as I am with the public; becaws I fansy reely that we've become frends, and feal for my part a becoming greaf at saying ajew.

"I ax these question, my royal duke and most noble hiness and imperials, becaws I'm anxious to know how he stands as a man. I know he's smart. He is cunnin, he is long-heded, he is deep he is grate. But onless he is GOOD he'll come down with a crash one of these days and the Bonyparts will be Bustid up agin. Bet yer life!" "Air you a preacher, sir?" he inquired slitely sarkasticul. "No, sir.

Ned wont let me see his letter but I'm sure he took all the blame on himself becaws he always dose but it was me too blame and not him becaws I pined the snake in my coat pocket becaws I was affraid to handel it and ran off too the punch and gudy show and it got out and the head water killed it I didn't give him any tip when he went away I'm very sorry and I'm sorry I kicked the mormossits but they bit my legs No more at pressent from your obedient servent too comand.

This pleased Jerome, and he took me warmly by the hand. "Alexander the Grate was punkins," I continnered, "but Napoleon was punkinser! Alic wept becaws there was no more worlds to scoop, and then took to drinkin. He drowndid his sorrers in the flowin bole, and the flowin bole was too much for him. It ginerally is. He undertook to give a snake exhibition in his boots, but it killed him.

"Now sur, i must cloas, not becaws my papers dun, no nor yet my idees, but becaws a nods as good as a wink yoo no the rest. Wot ive said is troo as gospl it's of no use tryn to find owt hoo i am, caws whi yoo kant, and if yoo cood it wood doo yoo no good. "Yoors to comand, "The riter."

They are the bossest sox that ever wuz nit. The man is a lire who sez they aint. He dassent tel Me so. U are a boss nitter. Even Misses Linkun can't hold a candle 2 U. "The sox fit me 2 a t, but that is becaws they are nit so wel, & stretch." "I wish I knowed some more real strong words to praise her knitting," said Shorty, reading over the laboriously-written lines.