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But after oh, I know you English you'll go home and be how do you say? 'respectable, and marry an English miss, and have oh! many, many bébés, and wear the top-hat, and go to church. There is no country like England...." She made a little gesture. "What do you believe, you English? In le bon Dieu? Non. In love? Ah, non! In what, then? Je ne sais!" She laughed again. "What 'ave I said?

He had left it in the morning dewy, silent, almost deserted; he found it full of gaiety and life and movement, talking, laughing, and smoking going on, pretty bright dresses glancing amongst the trees, children swinging under the great branches, the flickering lights and shadows dancing on their white frocks and curly heads, white-capped bonnes dangling their bébés, papas drinking coffee and liqueurs at the little tables, mammas talking the latest Liége scandal, and discussing the newest Parisian fashions.

And then" with calm certainty "of course one has got rid of them. They are wiped off the slate and one begins again. At least, it was so with my niece. For when she came out of the sisterhood, the man who had betrayed her married her, and they have three no, four bebes now. So that it is evident le bon dieu was pleased with her penance and rewarded her accordingly."

They did not weep. They climbed up a hillock of bricks and pulled out bits of old, familiar things. They recovered the whole of a child's perambulator, with its wheels crushed. With an air of triumph and shrill laughter they turned round to the Australians. "Pour les bebes!" they cried. "While there's life there's hope," said one of the Australians, with sardonic humor.

There are certain to be plants, rows of them in pots, along the wide sill; one can count on a bullfinch or a parrot, as one can on the bebes that appear to be born on purpose to poke their fingers in the cages; there is certain also to be another cage hanging above the flowers one filled with a fresh lettuce or a cabbage leaf.