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Jerry and I were near each other; the rest of the party were pulling in fish pretty quickly; and we had caught several very beautiful-looking fellows a species of rock-fish when Jerry sang out that he had got a bite of some big fish, and called to me to help him. Leaving my own rod, I ran round towards him. "Quick, quick, Harry!" he sung out, holding on by his rod with all his might.

"Light," replied Marco, "so that it will be easy to carry." "Stiff or flexible?" asked Forester. "Stiff," replied Marco. "Yes," said Forester. "Some kinds of wood grow straight, and others crooked." "We want it straight," said Marco. "Yes," replied Forester. "The pine grows very straight. If we could find some young pines, they would make us some beautiful-looking canes."

It was a beautiful-looking egg, and he had been sure that it would taste as good, quite as good as it looked. Even now he wasn't sure that if he could only taste it, it would be all that he had hoped. But how could he taste it, when he couldn't break that shell? He never had heard of such a shell. He doubted if anybody else ever had, either.

She was a beautiful-looking woman, and so pretty-behaved; quiet, but observin'. I never saw a man age as William's father has; it made my heart ache when I first caught sight of him driving into the yard last night." "He revived up conversin' with you an' makin' such a good hearty tea," suggested Marilla, disappearing in the pantry.

She didn't want to take it, but he wouldn't take no for an answer; he was free-handed, the cap'n was. I helped 'em make it 'long of Mary Ann Simms the dressmaker, she's dead and gone too, the time it was made. It was brown, and a beautiful-looking piece, but it wore shiny, and she made a double-gown of it before she died." Mrs.

Telling me to make myself as beautiful-looking as I knew how, he presently left me. "I am afraid that for a time I was too overwhelmed to do more than weep.

We had a view of a beautiful-looking country as if formed by art into lawns and parks. The coast is low and covered with woods in which are innumerable fan palm-trees that look like coconut walks. The interior part is high land but very different from the more eastern parts of the island where it is exceedingly mountainous and to appearance the soil better.

We turned in and out amongst the hills till we arrived at the banks of a small creek lined with eucalyptus or gum-trees, and finding some water we encamped on a piece of beautiful-looking country, splendidly grassed and ornamented with the fantastic mounds, and the creek timber as back and fore grounds for the picture.

"Oh well, sir, as to that, he was a beautiful-looking man, and she but a child; but when she came to herself she wrote and asked him never to come back; she told me so; and he never did." "Well, that at least was civil of him." Caius spoke in full earnest. "No, sir; he's not civil; he's a beast of a man.

Dhananjaya seated on the earth, as his chariot, which had the mountain for its pole, the base of the axle and the cluster of beautiful-looking bamboo trees for its socket-pole, looked resplendent with that celestial armour of great lustre, took his bow Gandiva and the conch-shell given to him by the gods, commenced to exhibit those celestial weapons in order.