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Aussi ai-je eprouve a etre loue par un pareil homme une jouissance infiniment plus vive que celle qu'auraient pu me procurer des eloges beaucoup plus hyperboliques, mais moins competents. "Cet homme, je suppose que c'est vous.

Mead lived more in the broad sunshine of life than almost any man . The disaster of General Burgoyne's army was then the common topic of conversation. It was asked why piling their arms was insisted upon as a matter of such consequence, when it seemed to be a circumstance so inconsiderable in itself . JOHNSON. 'Why, Sir, a French authour says, "Il y a beaucoup de puerilités dans la guerre."

Nous avons cause de beaucoup de choses, entre autres precisement de cette curieuse question de priere selon Comte. Elle soutient que c'est raisonnable dans le sens d'expression de vif desir, de concentration de l'esprit vers son but.

The whiteness of the deck attracted his attention, and turning to me he made, smiling, an observation in a language which I did not understand, but could not help desiring to hear its silvery sounds again. "Vous n'êtes pas Français?" he then asked. "Non, je ne suis pas." "Mais la langue, ne la comprenez-vous pas?" "Pas beaucoup," I replied.

On the 26th of October, Imlay having now been absent for over a month, she writes: "I have almost charmed a judge of the tribunal, R., who, though I should not have thought it possible, has humanity, if not beaucoup d'esprit.

In his Souvenirs M. Berard des Glajeux states that to-day it would seem to be clearly established that Lucien acted blindly at the bidding of his sister-in-law, "qu'il avait beaucoup aimee et qui n'avait pas ete cruelle a son egard." The evidence recapitulated for the most part the facts already set out. The description of Mme.

The new lady took her place with great dignity, and 'twas certain she had uncommon accomplishments and wit. Was it not written, in the marriage advertisements, that her ladyship brought her noble husband seventy thousand pounds? On a beaucoup d'esprit with seventy thousand pounds. The Hampshire people said this was only a small portion of her wealth.

My sister-in-law, whom you remember seeing in Madame de Cintre's sitting-room, took, it appears, a fancy to you; she has described you as having beaucoup de cachet. My mother, therefore, is curious to see you." "She expects to laugh at me, eh?" said Newman. "She never laughs. If she does not like you, don't hope to purchase favor by being amusing. Take warning by me!"

Fuselli remembered a revel he'd seen in a moving picture of "Quo Vadis," people in bath robes dancing around with large cups in their hands and tables full of dishes being upset. "Cognac, beaucoup," said the private in Aviation. "Mame shows," said Fuselli.

It was shared at least it was pleasant to think so by my old Annamite friend of the Penguin experience, who stood by his flag nodding his head at me. He said, "Beaucoup bon," showing his polished black teeth in an approving grin.