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In vain I persisted that I must not give him trouble, that I could discover the beauties for myself. "O monsieur!" he said reproachfully. Fearing he might return my pourboire, I followed him helplessly to inspect the pompous bead-covered tombs of the well-to-do, shocking him by stopping to muse at the rude mound of an anonymous corpse, remembered only by a little bunch of immortelles.

"Of course Soames is a connoisseur," Aunt Juley said hastily; "he has wonderful taste he can always tell beforehand what's going to be successful." "Oh!" gasped June, and sprang up from the bead-covered chair, "I hate that standard of success. Why can't people buy things because they like them?" "You mean," said Francie, "because you like them."

"Of course Soames is a connoisseur," Aunt Juley said hastily; "he has wonderful taste he can always tell beforehand what's going to be successful." "Oh!" gasped June, and sprang up from the bead-covered chair, "I hate that standard of success. Why can't people buy things because they like them?" "You mean," said Francie, "because you like them."

Every Indian boy and girl owns a pony, from which they are almost inseparable, and which they ride with fearless abandon. An Indian Woman’s DressMrs. Wolf Plume While men are off in search of game the women make bead work of a most bewitching order, meanwhile watching the pappoose, fastened completely in its wooden bead-covered cradle, only the head protruding.