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Her active mind had already exhausted their possibilities, and what to her was a mere by-play of the intellect was to him the be-all and end-all of existence. Of the books she had given him, he understood and appropriated only those parts that related to his subject. All the rest was lost: the literary quality, the atmosphere, the historic perspective.

What her soul clamored for, was the opera, the contact of kindred spirits, the rush and whirl, the smoke and champagne, and giddiness of the city; the card-won gold, and painted folly that made the be-all and end-all of life to such as she. She did not lose sight of the usefulness she trusted to find in Céline Leroque, however.

Some day, mayhap, I shall gather my great-great-grandsons round my knee, and tell them as one tells tales of Faery that I can remember the time when Work was considered the be-all and the end-all of a school career. Such days, I say, may come. But now are the Dark Ages.

The man engaged in the writing of books is tempted to make such writing the be-all and end-all of his existence to grow his literature out of his history, experience, or observation, as the gardener grows out of soils brought from a distance the plants which he intends to exhibit.

If she were one of those ordinary women to whom marriage is the be-all and end-all of existence, it would be different but she is not. Her thoughts are like those of a child or a poet, why should I trouble them by the selfishness of my passion? for all passion is selfish, even at its best.

Confucius, following his ancient models, ignored metaphysics altogether: jumped the life to come, and made his be-all and his end-all here: in what was necessary, in deeds and thought and speech, to make individual, social, and political life staid, sincere, orderly, quiet, decent, and happy.

Was it not a diplomatic masterpiece, that from this frugal store they could contrive to eke out seven mortal months of negotiation? Two ideas the supremacy of his Majesty's prerogative, the exclusive exercise of the Roman Catholic religion these were the be-all and the end-all of their commission. Upon these two strings they were to harp, at least till the walls of Maestricht had fallen.

They will form no substitute for Murray's admirable hand-books; for on the merits or demerits of competing hostelries, which Mr Murray justly regards as a question of vital importance the very be-all, and often end-all of a tour these volumes throw no light. In statistics they are barren enough.

Anyone watching them would find the smiles of conventionality on their lips. To all outward seeming, they were indulging in a friendly gossip. "Of course, you want money," he said. "That is the be-all and end-all of your existence. Very well. Write a letter to Miss Wynton apologizing for your conduct, take yourself away from here at three o'clock, and from St.

Direct acquaintance with the natural surroundings of the home environment so as to give reality to ideas about portions of the earth beyond the reach of the senses, and as a means of arousing intellectual curiosity, is one thing. As an end-all and be-all of geographical knowledge it is fatally restricted.