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He also drew up the ends of his trousers, thus revealing that the Pomeranian brown and myrtle green stripes in his necktie were faithfully reproduced in his socks, while these master tints were thoughtfully developed in the subdominant hues of his clothes and boots. "By Jove! what a stroke of luck I should have got hold of you first!" he chuckled. "I'm pretty good at the net, Miss Wynton.

"Sorry," she wrote, in the artistic script that looks so well in face cream and soap advertisements, "I can't for the life of me remember the number; but Miss Wynton lives somewhere in Warburton Gardens." The signature, "Millicent Jaques," was an elegant thing in itself, carefully thought out and never hurried in execution, no matter how pressed she might be for time.

"Talking about a ladies' man, who is the girl your friend Bower dined with?" asked Holt. "She has been in the hotel several days; but she didn't seem to be acquainted with anybody in particular until he blew in this afternoon." "She is a Miss Helen Wynton," said the vicar. "I like her very much from what little I have seen of her.

A rough wall, surmounted by a flat pitched roof, stared at her out of the mist. In the center of the wall a small, square, shuttered window suggested a habitation. Her head swam, and her eyes ached dreadfully; but she knew that this was the hut, and strove desperately to appear self possessed. "Accept my congratulations, Miss Wynton," said a low voice at her ear.

Miss Beryl Wragg, who had affected de la Vere's company for want of an eligible bachelor, pursed her lips scornfully. "I can hardly agree with that," she said. "Edith de la Vere may be a sport; but she doesn't exactly fling her husband at another woman's head. Anyhow, it was amazing bad form on her part to include Miss Wynton in her dinner party last night." Millicent's blue eyes snapped.

"I suppose, now we are at the hut, Stampa will not object to my waiting five minutes or so before we start for home." "Surely you will lunch with us. Everything is set out on the table, and we have food enough for a regiment." "You would need it if you remained here another couple of hours, Miss Wynton.

"I am afraid, Miss Wynton, you will regard me in future as a broken reed where Alpine excursions are concerned," he said. "You were mistaken that is obvious," said Helen frankly. "But so was Barth. He agreed that the storm would be only a passing affair. Don't you think we are very deeply indebted to Mr. Spencer and Stampa for coming to our assistance?" "I do, indeed.

"That inveterate gossip, Mrs. "That, at any rate, is correct," said the vicar. "In fact, Miss Wynton herself told me so." "Jolly fine girl, whatever she is. To give Bower his due, he has always been a person of taste." "I have reason to believe," said Spencer, "that Miss Wynton's acquaintance with Mr. Bower is of the slightest." His words were slow and clear.

Millicent, really despising these people, but anxious to hear the story of Bower's love making, made no secret of her own sorrows. "Miss Wynton was my friend," she said with ingenuous pathos. "She never met Mr. Bower until I introduced her to him a few days before she came to Switzerland. You may guess what a shock it gave me when I heard that he had followed her here.

"In addition to my boots, therefore, I am indebted to you for a special brand of ice ax," she cried. "Your gratitude now is as nothing to the ecstasy you will display when Karl unpacks his load," he answered lightly. "Now, Miss Wynton, en route! You know the path to the glacier already, don't you?" "I have been to its foot twice." "Then you go in front. There is no room to walk two abreast.