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"He is not far off," replied I, unwilling to speak more plainly; but my master's sister, who came to bring us milk, cried out, "Be assured that at this very moment, the ravens are feasting on the entrails of Baudre; the time is not far distant, when you will be fit for nothing else."

His wife did not fail to support this complaint in such a manner, that her husband, long accustomed to be her dupe, persuaded me, that, to prevent murmuring, he would appoint Baudre to that charge, as he was the youngest. Soon after I was obliged to take an equal share of the sheep and goats.

The commotion I had undergone, and the ferns which I had eaten to assuage my hunger, occasioned very severe vomitings, which were followed with extreme faintness. I had, however, strength enough left to retire behind a bush, where I found another unhappy wretch. He inquired the cause of my complaints, and if I had seen Baudre?