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"You apologize, then?" "Why certainly, Mr. Wrenn. Let me explain " "Oh, don't explain," snortled Miss Saxonby. "Yes!" from Mr. Bancock Binch, "explanations are so conventional, old chap." Do you see them? Mr.

When bad men go too far we plant 'em on Boot Hill. Understand? Now you slide out of the back door, slap a saddle on your bronc, an' hit the high spots out of here," "And Clanton?" asked Billie. "We'll attend to Clanton's case," A faint smile touched the sardonic face of Prince. "What did you ever see me do to give you the notion that I was yellow, Bancock?" "This ain't your affair.

Don't read 'em. Read pure authors like Howard Bancock Binch, where, whenever any lady gets seduced or anything like that, the author shows it's because the villain is an atheist or something, and he treats all those things in a nice, fine, decent manner.

But but where was I? I think your gipsying down from London was most exciting. Now do tell us all about it, Mr. Wrenn. First, I want you to meet Miss Saxonby and Mr. Gutch and dear Yilyena Dourschetsky and Mr. Howard Bancock Binch of course you know his poetry." And then she drew a breath and flopped back into the wing-chair's muffling depths. During all this Mr.

Into town from the chaparral drifted the enemies Clanton had made during his career as a gunman. Yankie and Albeen and Dumont and Bancock moved to and fro in the crowds at the different gambling places and saloons.

"You're not goin' to take this fellow Clanton away. We've come to get him." "That's right," agreed Albeen. Jimmie-Go-Get-'Em grinned. "Makes twice now you've come to get me." "We didn't make it go last time. Different now," said Bancock, moving forward. "That's near enough," ordered Prince. "You've made a mistake, boys. I'm sheriff of Washington County, and this man's my prisoner."