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"I notice your tone changes when you want me to help you." Vane made no answer. "The address is Mrs. Vernon, 14, Culman Terrace, Balham," he remarked quietly. "I trust she is doing war work that pleases you," sneered the girl. She handed him the envelope, and then, as she saw the blaze in his eyes, she caught her breath in a little quick gasp. "As far as I know," he answered grimly, "Mrs.

It struck him that the war had not cured this failing; if anything it had made it stronger. And the sight of these two fat, oily specimens complacently discussing business, while a woman in some poky house in Balham was waiting to hear the last message from her dead, made him gnash his teeth. Of course it was all quite wrong.

The road comes straight from London, which is but a very short distance off, within a walk, yet the village it passes is thoroughly a village, and not suburban, not in the least like Sydenham, or Croydon, or Balham, or Norwood, as perfect a village in every sense as if it stood fifty miles in the country. There is one long street, just as would be found in the far west, with fields at each end.

"I'd be quite content as it is with what there is in that museum o' yours. Ellen, there," he looked across at his wife "don't agree with me about such things. Yet I don't think I'm a bloodthirsty man! But I'm just terribly interested in all that sort of thing always have been. I used to positively envy the butler in that Balham Mystery!"

"You have had a long day, my dear," said Babette, as Susie threw herself into a chair; "it is your journey to the poles, isn't it?" "To the poles?" said Claudia. "Yes; this is the day she has to be at a Hampstead school from 9.30 till 12.30, and at a Balham school from 2.30 till 4. It's rather a drive to do it, since they are as far as the poles asunder."

Watchorn, however, did not care for these little ebullitions of spirit, and never having been accustomed to exercise the Camberwell and Balham Hill Union Harriers, he did not see any occasion for troubling the fox-hounds. 'They would soon settle, he said, 'when they got a scent.

When Sir Harry was on a drinking-bout they were shut up altogether; and the huntsman, Tom Watchorn, late of the 'Camberwell and Balham Hill Union Harriers, an early acquaintance of Miss Spangles indeed, some said he was her uncle used to go away on a drinking excursion too.

The Bearskin, who had sat beside her all the morning, and had now turned her into an object of interest, took a pride in Fanny. "The English upbringing is very interesting," he said, pushing back his cap and letting out the flame of his hair. "The young ladies become very serious. I have been in England. I have been in Balham."

The beauties of the last place always come out strong when a servant gets to another. But we must accompany Mr. Watchorn. Though his early career with the Camberwell and Balham Hill Union harriers had not initiated him much into the delicacies of the chase, yet, recollecting the presence of Mr.

On the garden she spent her time lounging in her bungalow in an untidy dressing-gown, skimming through light novels and the fashion papers and writing interminable letters to her family in Balham.