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Several of the univalves had evidently long lain dead at the bottom of the sea, for their INSIDES were incrusted with Balani and Serpulae. All, according to Mr. G.B. Sowerby, are recent species: they consist of: Mytilus Magellanicus: same as that found at Valparaiso, and there stated to be probably distinct from the true M. Magellanicus of the east coast.

These latter are the "Sea-Acorn," or Balani, whose little conical shells we crush by hundreds as we walk over the rocks at low-water mark; whilst every wooden pile immersed in the sea becomes coated in a short time with a thick crust of the "Sea-Acorns."

These shells were bleached, and within some of the Balani other Balani were growing, showing that they must have long lain dead in the sea. The above species I compared with living ones from the bay, and found them identical; but having since lost the specimens, I cannot give their names: this is of little importance, as Mr.

From Level of Sea to Surface of plain, 252 feet above sea, through levels F, E, D and C: F. Lower sandstone, with concretions and silicified bones, with fossil shells, all, or nearly all, extinct. E. Upper ferruginous sandstone, with numerous Balani, with fossil shells, all, or nearly all, extinct. C and D. Calcareous beds with recent shells.