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So if you don't mind butting into a baby-show we'll run down. It's only the younger bunch from Hitherwood House and Brookminster. What do you say, Phil?" Selwyn said that he would go hesitating before consenting. A curious feeling of age and grayness had suddenly come over him a hint of fatigue, of consciousness that much of life lay behind him.

"They never let me alone," he muttered; "they're always at me following me up as though I were a schoolboy. . . . Austin's the worst never satisfied. . . . What do I care for all these functions sitting around with the younger set and keeping the cradle of conversation rocking? I won't go to that infernal baby-show!"

I suppose they look with wonder at the young American girls who march up to anything that ever was created, with undismayed front. That was the ambition of a girl of seventeen. I like, on these sunny days, to look into the Luxembourg Garden: nowhere else is the eye more delighted with life and color. In the afternoon, especially, it is a baby-show worth going far to see.

I suppose they look with wonder at the young American girls who march up to anything that ever was created, with undismayed front. That was the ambition of a girl of seventeen. I like, on these sunny days, to look into the Luxembourg Garden: nowhere else is the eye more delighted with life and color. In the afternoon, especially, it is a baby-show worth going far to see.

Eden's Manna in the Wilderness was indeed a shrewd strategist, and knew his people to the roots of the grass. They had never seen a baby-show. They were innocent. He came among them. He gave away packages of manna and a diamond ring. He offered the prizes. But he proposed to win some. Therefore he made that rule about only the immediate families voting.

Now you may see the result of our understanding," nodding toward her amazingly youthful husband. "Beautiful, isn't it?" observed Cardross, still looking through his field-glasses. "There's a baby-show next week and I'll enter if you like, my dear." Mrs. Cardross smiled and took Hamil's hand flat between her fair, pudgy palms.

I suppose they look with wonder at the young American girls who march up to anything that ever was created, with undismayed front. That was the ambition of a girl of seventeen. I like, on these sunny days, to look into the Luxembourg Garden: nowhere else is the eye more delighted with life and color. In the afternoon, especially, it is a baby-show worth going far to see.