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I said, "what, in heaven's name, do you mean by babba?" "Dee little babb; it is so pretty so like him papa." "And whose baby is it? for I suppose it's a baby you mean, by your chatter about a babb." "Your's. Oh! you will so lubb it." "Mine? you detestable impostor, I never had such a thing in all my life." "And here it is oh, dee pretty dear!"

Perhaps it is the Babba of the ancients; a river runs round the town. The houses and streets are spacious, and there is a large mosque. The air is pure, and provisions are excellent. The population is estimated at ten or twelve thousand, who are hospitable, and carry on a good deal of commerce with Tlemsen and Fez. Taza is two days from Fez, and four from Oushda.

I had had a hundred and fifty letters, but put them all into a box. How was it possible for me to read such a number? and who did she mean by us? How many more of then were coming? "Massa Sib vill be so fond of him's babba him vill" A dreadful thought came into my head a conspiracy to extort money a declaration at Bow Street a weekly allowance. "Woman!"

And at that moment, another woman, dressed in the same outlandish style as herself, brought up a little round parcel, that looked like a bundle of clothes, and, before I had time to say a word, or shut the door, or fly, placed it in my arms; and then both the women showed their glistening teeth, stretching from ear to ear, and screamed out in chorus, "You vill so lubb dee babba it is such a pretty dear!"

Commonly he clutched a big rattle, and sometimes he went along hailing the bus-drivers and policemen along the road outside the railings as "Dadda!" and "Babba!" in a sociable, democratic way. "There goes that there great Boomfood baby," the bus-driver used to say. "Looks 'ealthy," the forward passenger would remark. "Bottle fed," the bus-driver would explain.