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"Ow niggehs ah res'less an' discontented enough now, and whether you'll succeed aw not you shan't come 'round amongst them tryin' to steal them away! Damned if we don't run you out of the three counties! So long, General!" He went by March to the door. John stood straight, his jaws set, chin up, eyes down. Halliday, by grimaces, was adjuring him to forbear.

'Ey, bless thee, Enoch, it wernd half as grand as this! said his wife, as she plucked a spray of may blossom from a hawthorn that overarched the path through the Clough. 'Mebbe not, lass; but aw know summat haa he felt like. 'Aw never made much o' th' valleys, lad. Them as lived in 'em hes bin a bad lot. We may well thank God as we live up as high as we do.

Then came the disruption, the roar, the rush, the fury, the foam, the groaning thunder, and the river flood; the plunge and the struggle between the solid and the liquid waters. Truly, the thundering water was well named by the Indian of old NE AW GAR AW is very Greek sounding.

"I will, anybody that says anything against Jude's mother," returned Douglas promptly. "Aw, if you folks are going to start fighting, as usual I'm going home," growled Scott Parsons. "Every time the crowd gets together, Jude has to start a scrap. It's getting god-awful cold, anyhow, and I've got chores to do." He spurred Ginger and was off.

Ey hate yo becose yung Ruchot Assheton loves yo an becose yo ha better luck i' aw things than ey have, or con expect to have. That's why I hate yo, Alizon. When yo are a witch ey shan love yo, for then we shan be equals once more." "That will never be, Jennet," said Alizon, sadly, but firmly.

'Say, he resumed, having delivered this criticism on that stirring episode, dat's a great kid, dat Nugget. I fought it was a Black Hand soup explosion when he cut loose. But, say, let's don't waste time. We gotta get together about dat kid. 'Certainly, if you wish it. What do you happen to mean? 'Aw, quit yer kiddin'! He expectorated again.

"Aw hell, Kiddo that sounds punk!" "And HELL, Jim, isn't a nice word " "Gee, Kid, now look here can't get along with out HELL leave me that one just a little while." She shook her head. "No." "No?" "And PUNK is expressive, but not suited to parlor use." "All right t'ell with PUNK!" He turned and looked. "What's the matter now?" he asked. "Don't you realize what you've just said?"

"An' Peter, he said he never seen anything so pretty in all his life as " "Aw now, Tom, you're a liar! I never said anything about it." "You thought it, or your face was liar too, my boy. Like a dog after a rabbit it was." "It was just like you both to lie watching," flamed Nance.

"Aw, come on! What's the matter with you? They do it all the time, over in France! Turn her over. All ready? Retard contact!" Bland cranked the motor, but it was plain that his mind was working furiously with some hard problem. Should he refuse to ride on a wing and let Johnny fly off without him?

The Very Young Man stopped in his walk. "Aw, come on in," he began, "the " "Shut up," growled the Banker, speaking for the first time in many minutes. "I'm sure we would all like to go," said the Doctor. "The point is, which of us are best fitted for the trip." "None of us are married," put in the Very Young Man. "I've been thinking " began the Banker.