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Ferdinand the Catholic, of Castile, owed his death to the effects of a philter administered to him by his queen, Germaine de Foix, in the hope of enabling him to beget an heir to the crowns of Aragon, Navarre, and Naples. "Plusieurs dames," says Mignot, "attachées

Through this conception, as we have already seen, many a goddess once ruling in her own right, and enjoying an independent existence, degenerated into a mere shadow of some male deity, though, on the other hand, it must be borne in mind that these female deities would have disappeared altogether but for the opportunity thus afforded them of becoming 'attachées' to some male deity.

The preachers, on their knees amongst them, were with Stentorian voices exhorting them to call louder and louder on the Lord, until he came upon them; whilst their attachées, with turned-up eyes and smiling countenances, were chanting hymns and shaking hands with the multitude. Some would now and then give a hearty laugh, which is an indication of superior grace, and is called "the holy laugh."

When the scouts came back, they reported that Santa Anna's army was coming straight for San Antonio, several thousand strong. The whole city was at once thrown into a commotion, and it was felt that the garrison could do little or nothing toward defending the place. "We are but a hundred and forty odd strong," said Lieutenant A. M. Dickenson, one of the attachees of the garrison.

Whatever there was of use in his private store, whether publicly beneficial or for our individual comfort, he insisted on our taking. Mr. Eyre was quite aware of the importance of such attachees, and had spared no trouble in securing their services.

But the violence of his character had inspired lack of confidence in his power of achievement, a violence that made people dislike him as Philip with all his faults was never disliked. [Footnote 3: "Non par armes attachées