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"I will, Athanasi Vassilievitch, I will. But what a fate is mine! Did ever such a fate befall a man? To think of all the patience with which I have gathered my kopecks, of all the toil and trouble which I have endured! Yet what I have done has not been done with the intention of robbing any one, nor of cheating the Treasury. Why, then, did I gather those kopecks?

"I wonder what is afoot between them," said Chichikov to himself. "A wise and noble gentleman, Athanasi Vassilievitch!" remarked the tradesman. Chichikov made no reply save a gesture. "Paul Ivanovitch, I have been looking for you everywhere," Lienitsin's voice said from behind him, while again the tradesman hastened to remove his cap. "Pray come home with me, for I have something to say to you."

And mentally he added: "Would that the Evil One would fly away with you!" Almost at the same time Murazov, the great landowner, entered the shop. As he did so our hero hastened to exclaim: "Why, it is Athanasi Vassilievitch! How ARE you, my very dear sir?" "How, may I ask, are YOU?" "But poorly," replied Chichikov, "for of late I have been troubled with indigestion, and my sleep is bad.

I have a large stock of grain lying in my granaries; in addition to which, I have sent orders to Siberia that a new consignment shall be forwarded me before the coming summer." "Of a surety will God reward you for your services, Athanasi Vassilievitch! Not another word will I say to you on the subject, for you yourself feel that any words from me would be inadequate.

"Ah, Athanasi Vassilievitch," said Khlobuev, "that is another matter altogether. That I do, not for man's sake, but for the sake of Him who has ordered all things here on earth.

"Athanasi Vassilievitch," he said firmly, "if you will but petition for my release, as well as for permission for me to leave here with a portion of my property, I swear to you on my word of honour that I will begin a new life, and buy a country estate, and become the head of a household, and save money, nor for myself, but for others, and do good everywhere, and to the best of my ability, and forget alike myself and the feasting and debauchery of town life, and lead, instead, a plain, sober existence."

Lectio brevis, which in feast offices is the Capitulum from None. 19. Benedicite, Deus; Domine nos benedicat...in pace, Amen. To the lectio brevis at Prime, Tu autem Domine, miserere nobis, is added. The Athanasian Creed. In the Roman Breviary prior to the reform of 1911, the title given to the formula of faith was Symbolum S. Athanasi. In the new Breviaries the title stands Symbolum Athanasianum.

Murazov remained silent for a moment, as though he were debating something in his thoughts. Then he said: "Nevertheless it is as I say. You committed the injustice in the case of the lad Dierpiennikov." "What, Athanasi Vassilievitch? The fellow had infringed one of the Fundamental Laws! He had been found guilty of treason!"

Why was I not given time to go home and collect my effects? Whereas now they are left with no one to look after them! My dispatch-box, my dispatch-box! It contained my whole property, all that my heart's blood and years of toil and want have been needed to acquire. And now everything will be stolen, Athanasi Vassilievitch everything will be taken from me! My God!"

"Ah, Athanasi Vassilievitch," cried poor Chichikov, clasping his friends hands, "I swear to you that, if you would but restore me my freedom, and recover for me my lost property, I would lead a different life from this time forth. Save me, you who alone can work my deliverance! Save me!" "How can I do that? So to do I should need to procure the setting aside of a law.