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Je sortis de Constantinople le 23 Janvier 1433, et traversai d'abord Rigory, passage jadis assez fort, et formé par une vallée dans laquelle s'avance un bras de mer qui peut bien avoir vingt milles de longueur. Il y avoit une tour que les Turcs ont abattue. Il y reste un pont, une chaussée et un village de Grecs. Pour arriver

"Quoique la celebre Marie eut, au XIIIe siecle, donne une assez ample histoire du Purgatoire de St.-Patrice, puisqu'elle est de plus de trois mille vers, deux autres Trouveres anglo-normands qui probablement ne connaissaient pas son poeme, volurent dans le siecle suivant traiter le meme sujet." Caen, 1834. t. iii., p. 245.

Monsieur Trevor," said Phineas. She smiled again. And the strange thing about her smile was that it was a matter of her lips and rarely of her eyes, which always maintained the haunting sadness of their tragic depths. "Monsieur Trevor," she repeated imitatively. "And yours, monsieur?" "McPhail." "Mac-Fêle; c'est assez difficile. And yours?" Mo guessed. "Shendish," said he.

Le canton, assez bien peuplé, l'est un partie par des Turcomans; mais il y a beaucoup d'herbages et de marais. L

"Je suis alle hier passer le tantot chez Lewes, on a ete enchante de mes eaux-fortes. George Eliot s'est plainte de ne pas avoir assez cause avec moi a ma derniere visite, et m'a invite a prendre place a cote d'elle. Nous avons parle d'art, de litterature et d'elle meme.

His wit flies out on clear-cut, swallow-like wings; in speaking of Paul Alexis' book "Le Besoin d'aimer," he said: "Vous avez trouvé un titre assez laid pour faire reculer les divines étoiles." I know not what instrument to compare with his verse. I suppose I should say a flute; but it seems to me more like a marvellously toned piano.

A friend came in, when she asked with unaffected sincerity whether she had really sung "assez bien" on Monday night, and broke into a fit of the merriest laughter when she received the answer, "Très bien pour une petite fille." "Alboni," writes this friend, "is assuredly for a great artist the most unpretending and simple creature in the world.

Green, the colour of hope; or the blue of Cincinnati, the colour of American liberty and democracy." "Nous avons assez déliberé! Deliberate further with our hands not our hearts! We are the party the most numerous: To arms!" On the morrow, the now famous 14th of July, the Frenchman's "glorious fourteenth," the people rose and the Bastille fell.

Moi, je m'en fous, Je reste dans mon trou and I say: "I hear the truth in the mouth of the vagrant minstrel, one who possibly has no trou wherein to lay his head." Et moi aussi, je reste dans mon trou, et mon trou est assez beau pour que j'y reste, car mon trou est Richard Wagner. My trou is the Ring the Sacrosanct Ring. Again I fall to musing.

"Il dit que tout l'equipage est en assez bon gout." "Allons, c'est un ours," said the lady; "le cheval meme en a peur," added she, as the mare reared up on high. "Can you find nothing else to admire but the mare and the equipage?" said Francis Ardry reproachfully, after he had with some difficulty brought the mare to order. Lifting my hand, in which I held my stick, I took off my hat.