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That was arter he 'ad been with me for three weeks, and when Saturday came, of course I was more short than ever, and people came and stood at their doors all the way down our street to listen to the missis taking my character away. I stood it as long as I could, and then, when 'er back was turned for 'arf a moment, I slipped out.

Arter I had been there a while, the black house-help brought in a little home made dipped candle, stuck in a turnip sliced in two, to make it stand straight, and set it down on the table. 'Why, says the lawyer to his wife, 'Increase my dear, what on airth is the meanin' o' that?

"I think, sir," said the man on entering, "that we've got scent of an old woman wich is as like the one that you're arter as hanythink." Martin rose in haste, "have you, my man? Are you sure?" "'Bout as sure as a man can be who never seed her. But it won't take you long to walk. You'd better come and see for yourself."

As to the old grandmother, she is in perfect ecstasies, and does nothing but laugh herself into fits of coughing, until they have finished the ‘gin-and-water warm with,’ of which Uncle Bill ordered ‘glasses round’ after tea, ‘just to keep the night air out, and to do it up comfortable and riglar arter sitch an as-tonishing hot day!’ It is getting dark, and the people begin to move.

The man said it 'ad nothing to do with 'im wot he 'ad paid to Bob Pretty; and at last they fetched Policeman White over from Cudford, and George Barstow signed a paper to pay five shillings a week till the reward was paid. George Barstow 'ad the cat for five years arter that, but he never let it get away agin.

'No, no, no, a conspiracy connected with his school; I'll explain it presently. 'Thot's reeght! said John, 'explain it arter breakfast, not noo, for thou be'est hoongry, and so am I; and Tilly she mun' be at the bottom o' a' explanations, for she says thot's the mutual confidence. Ha, ha, ha! Ecod, it's a room start, is the mutual confidence!

The outlaw sat for a minute looking down at the ashes of the fire, and then, speaking very slowly and with emphatic little nods between the words, said: "And them's th' fellers I thought needed lookin' arter." There was silence for some time and then Ned spoke in a voice that was low from suppressed feeling. "My friend, I don't know your name. I don't know what you did. I don't ask it.

He walked off 'ome with his 'ead up as high as 'e could hold it, and the airs 'e used to give 'imself arter this was terrible for to behold. He got 'is eldest boy to write a long letter to the squire about it, saying that 'e'd overlook it this time, but 'e couldn't promise for the future.

Now this Province is like that are Grahamite lawyer's beef, its too good for the folks that's in it; they either don't avail its value or wont use it, because work ant arter their "law of natur." As for politics, they have nothin to desarve the name, but they talk enough about it, and a plaguy sight of nonsense they do talk too.

An' so Peter, an' so I be goin' away a sojer p'r'aps I shan't love the dear lass quite so much arter a bit p'r'aps it won't be quite so sharp-like, arter a bit, but what's to be is to be. I've larned wisdom, an' you an' she was made for each other an' meant for each other from the first; so don't go to clench ye fists again me no more, Peter." "Never again, George!" said I.