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"Well, lad, arter runnin' about in the bush to bamboozle of 'em, as aforesaid, we'll march back to that track on the sou'-west'ard as it may be an' then do the same on the nor'-west'ard so to speak an' so lead 'em to suppose we was a small party as broke off, or was sent off, from the main body to reconnoitre the bit o' bush, an' had rejoined the main body further on.

"Lord bless you, no sir! This ain't no spectre, nor yet no skellington, which, arter all, is only old bones an' such, no this ain't nothin' of that sort, an' no more it ain't a thing as I can stand 'ere a maggin' about wi' a long day's work afore me, axing your pardon, sir." Saying which, the Waggoner nodded suddenly and strode off with his pails clanking cheerily.

It was quite plain that moderation was a virtue that he did not possess in a high degree at least, not on the present occasion. "You'll need a `monstrobolly' good sleep arter it," observed Bounce quietly. "You will, jist," said Waller; "an' so will this coon, I cal "

He won a 'undered pounds through me, and then got the gal I let myself be disgraced for. I 'ad an idea some time ago that he'd got 'is eye on her." Ginger Dick didn't answer 'im a word. He staggered back and braced 'imself up agin the wall for a bit, and arter staring at Bill Lumm in a wild way for pretty near three minutes he crawled back to 'is lodgings and went straight to bed agin.

"'Them's my orders, ses the skipper, swelling his chest and looking round, 'to everybody. You know wot'll 'appen to you, Joe, if things ain't right when I come back. Come along, Bill, and lock the gate arter me. An' mind, for your own sake, don't let anything 'appen to that gal while I'm away. "'Wot time'll you be back? I ses, as 'e stepped through the wicket.

Henery Walker clung to 'im with tears in his eyes a'most and begged 'im not to go, and arter a lot of talk old Mr. Walker said he'd look over it this time, but it mustn't occur ag'in. Arter that 'e did as 'e liked with Henery Walker's things, and Henery dursen't say a word to 'im.

"Ye see," said Nicholas, "the fust rec'ids were missin'. 'Burnt up! says that town clerk over to Sudleigh. 'Burnt when the old meetin'-house ketched fire, arter the Injun raid. 'Burnt up! thinks I. 'The cat's foot!

"Arter you, sir," said Ted, bowing politely. Mariano laughed and followed his brother, and Ted Flaggan, muttering something about its being the "most strornar companion hatch he'd ever entered," followed suit. A creep of two or three yards brought him into a cavern which was just high enough to admit of a man standing erect, and about eight or ten feet wide.

My word, I wish I'd thought on axin' her to let us 'ave a quart I'm rale fond o' cockles. Could we run arter her, think ye, Jack?" This was the very last thing which John wished to do, and in order to divert Jinny's mind, he hastily proposed that they should hunt for cockles themselves.

Weller caused his glance to travel slowly round the kitchen, until at length it rested on his son. 'Sammy, said Mr. Weller, 'I mistrust that barber. 'Wot for? returned Sam; 'wot's he got to do with you? You're a nice man, you are, arter pretendin' all kinds o' terror, to go a payin' compliments and talkin' about hearts and piercers. The imputation of gallantry appeared to afford Mr.