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'Tell me, Lady Arpington said abruptly; 'this maid of yours, who is to marry the secretary, or whatever he was you are satisfied with her? 'She is my dear servant Madge. A cloud opened as Carinthia spoke the name. 'She will be a true wife to him. They will always be my friends! Nothing against the earl in that direction, apparently; unless his countess was blest with the density of frigidity.

'My lady, adieu until I am over with this Calesford, he gestured, as in fetters. She spared him the my lording as she said adieu, sensitive as she was, and to his perception now. Lady Arpington had a satisfactory two minutes with him before he left the house.

The Countess Livia, not an innocent like Henrietta had escaped the poisoned tongues by contracting a third marriage 'in time! Lady Arpington said; and the knotty question was presented to a young mind: Why are the innocents tempted to their ruin, and the darker natures allowed an escape? Any street-boy could have told her of the virtue in quick wits.

'Inconceivable, my dear child! Lady Arpington proceeded until she heard herself as droning. Carinthia's unmoved aspect of courteous attention appeared to invoke the prolongation of the sermon it criticized. It had an air of reversing their positions while she listened to the charge of folly, and incidentally replied.

Lady Arpington read Gower's note. She unburdened herself: 'Oh! So it 's no longer a bachelor's household! Henrietta heaved the biggest of sighs. 'I fear the poor dear may have made matters worse. To which Lady Arpington said: 'Worse or better, my child! and shrugged; for the present situation strained to snapping.

'Tell me, Lady Arpington said abruptly; 'this maid of yours, who is to marry the secretary, or whatever he was you are satisfied with her? 'She is my dear servant Madge. A cloud opened as Carinthia spoke the name. 'She will be a true wife to him. They will always be my friends! Nothing against the earl in that direction, apparently; unless his countess was blest with the density of frigidity.

'Lord Fleetwood was on the point of going in, he assured the great lady. 'Lord Fleetwood may regret his change of mind, said she. 'The Countess of Fleetwood will have my advice to keep her footing in this house. She and Henrietta sat alone with Carinthia for an hour. Coming forth, Lady Arpington ejaculated to herself: 'Villany somewhere!

Lady Arpington was more politic; she wrote of 'a healthy boy, and 'the healthy mother giving him breast, this being 'the way for the rearing of strong men. She condescended to the particulars, that she might touch him. The earl had not been so reared: his mother was not the healthy mother.

'Honesty is everything with us at present. The man has made his honesty an excellent speculation. He puts a piece on zero and the bank hands him a sackful. We may think we have won him to serve us, up comes his honesty. That's how we have Lady Arpington mixed in it too long a tale. But be guided by me; condescend a little. 'My dear! my whole mind is upon that unhappy girl.

She seemed placidly acquiescing. 'You have seen the boy? 'Twice to-day. We were having a conversation just now. 'We think him very intelligent. 'Lady Arpington tells me you do the honours here excellently. 'She is good to me. 'Praises the mother's management of the young one. John Edward: Edward for call-name. Madge boasts his power for sleeping. 'He gives little trouble.