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"Run away," he explained further, with coruscating eyebrows. "Come 'ome. "That ain't all. "You'd 'ardly believe it," he said, "but I found a treasure. Found a regular treasure." I fancied this was irony, and did not, perhaps, greet it with proper surprise. "Yes," he said, "I found a treasure. And come 'ome. I tell you I could surprise you with things that has happened to me."

There might be people 'oo lived among flowers in the sunlight, an', so to say, rented the parlour floor, but not me. I 'ad the upper floor, an' breaved the light o' the moon. As for flowers bless you, I'd never 'ardly seen a flower stuck proper to the ground until a year ago. Well, dearie, I use to make believe as 'ow we'd all get a charnce, all to ourselves, to pay what we owed.

"I I I'll 'ave a small ginger-beer," he ses at last, "a very small one." "One small ginger," ses Mr. Goodman to the bar-maid, "and one special Scotch." Sam could 'ardly believe his ears, and he stood there 'oldin' his glass o' ginger-beer and watching Peter's teetotal uncle drink whiskey, and thought 'e must be dreaming. "I dessay it seems very shocking to you," ses Mr.

'You've clean forgotten me, said one who had an awful air of darkness about him; 'and no wonder, because you never saw me properly. On Sundays, when I was nicely washed up you couldn't 'ardly reckernise me. Nachural 'nuff, too! He shot by like a shadow, then pulled up a window with a rattle, popped his dirty head out, and called back thickly as if his mouth was full of smoke or pudding:

"'The bargain was for one pound, ses the skipper, 'ardly able to speak. "'Well, you tell that to the policeman, ses Artful 'Arry. "It was no use, he'd got us every way; and at last the skipper turns out 'is pockets, and he ses, 'Look 'ere, he ses, 'I've got seventeen and tenpence ha' penny. Will you go if I give you that? "''Ow much has the watchman got? ses 'Arry.

Bill gave a groan and sat on the bed while 'e dried himself, and Ginger told 'im 'ow he 'ad bent a quart pot on the landlord's 'ead, and 'ow the landlord 'ad been carried upstairs and the doctor sent for. He began to tremble all over, and when Ginger said he'd go out and see 'ow the land lay 'e could 'ardly thank 'im enough.

Bert Simmons sat on one side of Emily and Joseph the other, and the cook couldn't 'elp feeling sorry for 'er, seeing as he did that sometimes she was 'aving both hands squeezed at once under the table and could 'ardly get a bite in edgeways. Old Bill lit his pipe arter supper, and then, taking another glass o' beer, he told 'em about the cook dreaming of his accident three days afore it happened.

The fat woman regarded him silently for some time. Her expression of scrutiny gave way to a quiet satisfaction. Then her brown eyes went to the river. "Poor Jim," she said. "'E 'adn't much Tact ever." She added mildly: "I can't 'ardly say I'm sorry." "Nor me," said Mr. Polly, and got a step nearer the thought in him. "But it don't seem much good his having been alive, does it?"

It didn't much matter where we'd be London or Paris or Berlin or Rome they'd 'unt 'im up; some 'e'd give money to and they'd go aw'y; others 'e'd be locked up with in 'is study for hours, talking, talking. They'd 'ardly ever come the same one twice. 'E 'ated 'em all, Mr. Rutton did. And yet, sir, I always 'ad a suspicion "

"And the cur'ous thing is, she blamed it all on to me," said the swain. "Flew out something outrageous, and wouldn't 'ardly speak to me all the way 'ome...." The giant was embarking upon investigations, there could be no doubt. His mind, it became manifest, was throwing up questions. He put them to few people as yet, but they troubled him.