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The walrus looked at John as if expecting some demonstration of practical insanity, but, finding him outwardly calm, closed his eyes and nodded heavily again. "I must say, don't you know," said Mr. Archer-Cleeve, "it beats me, what?" The entire deputation seemed to consider that John's last speech needed footnotes. John was in no mood to supply them. His patience was exhausted.

Archer-Cleeve, a young man with carefully parted fair hair and the expression of a strayed sheep, contributed a remark. "No, but I say, by Jove, you know, I mean really, you know, what?" That was Mr. Archer-Cleeve upon the situation. "We have not come here for cigars," said Mr. Pugh. "We have come here, Your Highness, for an explanation." "Of what?" said John. Mr. Pugh made an impatient gesture.

Gambling has been permitted in Mervo for nearly a year." "But not by me, Mr. Pugh. The Republic certainly granted Mr. Scobell a concession. But, when I came to the throne, it became necessary for him to get a concession from me. I refused it. Hence the closed doors." Mr. Archer-Cleeve once more. "But " He paused. "Forgotten what I was going to say," he said to the room at large.

He introduced the party the walrus as Colonel Finch, the others as Herr von Mandelbaum and Mr. Archer-Cleeve. His own name was Pugh, and the whole party, like the other visitors whom they represented, had, it seemed, come to Mervo, at great trouble and expense, to patronize the tables, only to find these suddenly, without a word of warning, withdrawn from their patronage.