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Bilton and doubted whether they ever would, he merely smiled happily at them and said to Anna-Rose, "See how good comes out of evil" a remark that they didn't like when they had had time to think over it. But they went on struggling. It seemed so unnatural to be all alone all day long with someone and only listen. Mrs.

"Why yes," he said, forgetting his wife's presence for an instant, "I guess you had them once, or I don't see how " "Albert," said his wife. "We are the sole surviving examples of the direct line of Twinklers," said Anna-Rose, now quite herself and ready to give Columbus a hand. "There's just us. And we " she paused a moment, and then plunged "we come from England." "Do you?" said the old lady.

"And please," said Anna-Felicitas with mild severity, "don't tell us to ask the Captain, because we really do know better than that." "I thought you must be relations," said the stewardess. "We are," said Anna-Rose. "We're twins." The stewardess stared. "Twins what of?" she asked. "What of?" echoed Anna-Rose. "Why, of each other, of course."

"Yes," said Anna-Rose. "Just bad luck. He might so easily have married some one else's aunt. But no. His roving glance must needs go and fall on ours." "Indeed," said the old gentleman. "Indeed." And he ruminated on this, with an affectionate eye he was affectionate resting in turn on each Anna. "Then Mr. Twist," he went on presently "we all know him of course a public benefactor "

"I heard a noise of arrival " he said, stopping suddenly when he saw them. "I heard a noise of arrival, and a woman's voice " "It's us," said Anna-Rose, her face covering itself with the bright conciliatory smiles of the arriving guest. "Are you Mr. Clouston Sack?" She went up to him and held out her hand. They both went up to him and held out their hands. "We're the Twinklers," said Anna-Rose.

The passengers in the second class were more generally friendly than those in the first class. The first class sorted itself out into little groups, and whispered about each other, as Anna-Rose observed, watching their movements across the rope that separated her from them. The second class remained to the end one big group, frayed out just a little at the edge in one or two places.

They followed him, Anna-Rose shaking with excitement, Anna-Felicitas trying to persuade herself that they had acted in the only way consistent with real wisdom. The architect stood with a log in each hand looking after them and smiling all by himself. There was something about the Twinklers that lightened his heart whenever he caught sight of them.

They walked along, talking and laughing, and seeming to walk much faster than he did, especially Anna-Rose who had to break into a run every few steps because of his so much longer legs, his face restored to all its usual kindliness as he listened benevolently to their remarks, and just when they were beginning to feel as if they soon might be tired and hungry a restaurant with lamp-hung gardens appeared as punctually as if they had been in Germany, that land of nicely arranged distances between meals.

"No he oughtn't," said Anna-Rose hastily, "because we can remove her ourselves by the simple process of giving her notice." "I don't believe it's simple," said Anna-Felicia again feeling a chill trickling down her spine. "Of course it is. We just go to her very politely and inform her that the engagement is terminated on a basis of mutual esteem but inflexible determination."

The effect, you see, is that I can't think very clearly. But do tell me why luggage? Luggage luggage. You mean, I suppose, baggage." "Why luggage?" asked Anna-Rose nervously. "Isn't there isn't there always luggage in America too when people come to stay with one?" "You've come to stay with me," said Mr. Sack, putting his hand to his forehead again.