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But in the towers not a man budged, not a shot was fired. It was again a miracle, and she had predicted it. The party of Dunois marched on in safety, and Jeanne returned to Orleans, once more receiving on the breeze some words of abuse from the defenders of those battlements, which sent forth no more dangerous missile, and replying again with her summons, "Retournez de la par Dieu a Angleterre."

The Warwickshire baronet knew a good many people in Paris, and he and his bride received a very enthusiastic welcome from these old friends, who pronounced that Miladi Jocelyn was charmante and la belle des belles; and that Sir Jocelyn was the most fortunate of men in having discovered this gay, lighthearted girl amongst the prudish and pragmatical meess of the brumeuse Angleterre.

She arrived, and walking up in full assembly to the Duchess, with the fire of indignation flashing in her eyes. "Eh! Madame la Duchesse, vous ne voulez pas donc faire ma connaissance en Angleterre?" "Non, Madame, je ne le voulais pas." "Eh! comment, Madame? Pourquoi donc?" "C'est que je vous craignais, Madame." "Vous me craignez, Madame la Duchesse?" "Non, Madame, je ne vous crains plus."

Katzoff and I got along very nicely, although I did not seem to like him as well as either Johnson or Baumgarten. He left for Salzburg without bidding me good-bye. Missing him one day, I called at the Angleterre, and the porter told me he had gone. Next day I searched for him, wondering in what garb I should find him.

No. 71. L'Ambassadeur en Angleterre au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Londres, 19 Juillet/1 Août 1914.

Garde-toi de la, Frederic; si non, je t'envoie a Botani Bay; je te traduis devant le Lord Mare!" "En Angleterre je me fais Anglais, vois-tu, mon ami," continued the Prince. "Demain c'est Sunday, et tu vas voir! I hear the bell, dress thyself for the dinner my friend!"; Here there was another squeeze of both hands from the good-natured fellow. "It do good to my art to ave you in my ouse! Heuh!"

Et meme si ta surdite augmentait beaucoup, nous aurions toujours le moyen de communiquer ensemble en parlant tres haut: en France nous parlerions anglais, et en Angleterre, francais."

"Avec Goddam en, Angleterre on ne manque de rien nulle part. Voulez- vous tâter un bon poulet gras ... Goddam ... Aimez-vous

L'ancienne Angleterre a ete assez sotte, et assez dupe, pour leur laisser etablir chez eux les arts, les metiers, les manufactures: c'est a dire, qu'elle leur a laisse briser la chaine de besoins qui les liait, qui les attachait a elle, et qui les fait dependants.

I have lived long enough in votre Angleterre to understand how little you know notre France; mais n'importe. Brave men can understand one another all over the world; for the little time which is left me, we shall be friends." Cuffe seized Raoul's hand, and even a tear escaped him, as he squeezed it warmly.