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As the colour is confined to the cortical part, the small roots are best, these having proportionally more bark than the large. ANETHUM graveolens. DILL. The Seeds. L. Their taste is moderately warm and pungent; their smell aromatic, but not of the most agreeable kind. These seeds are recommended as a carminative, in flatulent colics proceeding from a cold cause or a viscidity of the juices.

DILL. Anethum graveolens. This is similar to fennel, and used in pickling. It is esteemed useful as a medicinal herb also; which see. ENDIVE. Cichorium Endivia. Of this we have three varieties in cultivation. The Green Curled. The White Curled. The Batavian, or Broad-leaved. These are sown usually in June and July, and planted out for use in the autumn and winter.

It is propagated by planting the bulbs in September and October: they are fit to take up in May and June, when they are dried and kept for use. FENNEL. Anethum Foeniculum. The use of this plant is so well knwon in the kitchen, as to render an account of it useless. It is propagated by sowing seeds in the spring. GARLICK. Allium sativum.

The most efficacious preparations of them are, the distilled oil, and a tincture or extract made with rectified spirit. The oil and simple water distilled from them are kept in the shops. Lewis. ANETHUM Foeniculum. FENNEL. Seeds.