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Si parturisti sotto la capanna, E dov' mangiav'no lo bue e 1' asinello. "Quel Angelo gridava: 'Venite, Santi! 'Chè andato Gesù dentro la capanna, Ma guardate Vergine beata, Che in ciel in terra sia nostr' avvocata! "San Giuseppe andava in compagnia, Si trovò al partorir di Maria. La notte di natale è notte santa Lo Padre e 1' Figliolo e lo Spirito Santo.

"Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux, et fondez vous en eau, La moitie de ma vie a mis l'autre au tombeau." "Il pover uomo che non sen' era accorto, Andava combattendo, ed era morto." See his account of the siege of Gibraltar. Life of Hyder Ali Khan, vol. ii. p. 231. See the advice of Cleomenes to Crius. It is said that the waters of the Garonne are famed for a similar virtue. The stomach.

There is another line, equally true and touching, where, alluding to the irregularities of the latter part of Sheridan's life, he says "Andava combattendo, ed era morto." Rogers, has too many mournful, as well as pleasant, associations connected with it, to be easily forgotten by the survivors of the party. The company consisted but of Mr. Rogers himself, Lord Byron, Mr.

But, strange to say, I see among those who sat beside a future prelate a young man destined to sharpen his knife so well that he will drive it home to his archbishop's heart.... I think I can remember Verger, and I may say of him as Sachetti said of the beatified Florentine: Fu mia vicina, andava come le altre.

'Come quickly, O death! but be sure and don't let me see you coming, lest the pleasure I shall feel at your appearance should unfortunately bring me back again to life. This you may slip in quite a propos when you are struggling in the last agonies with the chicken-bone. Write! 'Il pover 'huomo che non se'n era accorto, Andava combattendo, e era morto.