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Riding up to the house, a small adobe, with one room, and a shed for a kitchen, the ranchero and the ranchera came out and greeted us with a hearty "Buenas tardes, Senores, paisanos amigos," shaking hands, and inviting us at the same time to alight and remain for the night, which invitation we accepted. The kind-hearted ranchera immediately set about preparing supper for us.

I lifted Seraphina up: two hands caught hold of her, and, in my great hurry to scramble up after her, I barked my shins cruelly. The port fell; the drogher went on bumping alongside, completely disregarded. Seraphina dropped the cloak at her feet and flung off her hat. "Good-morning, amigos," she said gravely.

He had deserved a dozen deaths, and the Los Amigos folk grudged him so gaudy a one as that. He seemed to feel himself to be unworthy of it, for he made two frenzied attempts at escape. He was a powerful, muscular man, with a lion head, tangled black locks, and a sweeping beard which covered his broad chest. When he was tried, there was no finer head in all the crowded court.

Then, calling upon "Doc" to follow him, he struck the spurs into Hercules, and rode forward at a gallop. It proved that this was just the very course to start the vaqueros, as the major had inspired them with more terror than all the rest of our party. They showed evident symptoms of taking to their heels, and I shouted to them at the top of my voice: "Alto! somos amigos!"

"It sure does," I retorted, and our hands met. He sat down beside me and began to roll a cigarette. You wouldn't call that a very demonstrative greeting between two old amigos who'd bucked mesquite and hair-lifting Comanches together, all over the Southwest. It had been many a moon since we took different roads, but MacRae hadn't changed that I could see.

Call off all your minions and repent, lest if the holy messenger be injured a more terrible one is sent. But now, my friends, I see my time is up; please send your contributions so urgently needed to carry on the Divine Work to Brother Paul care of the station to which you are listening." "That's one way of looking at it," said Gootes. "Adios amigos."

"Mil gracias, amigos," he said, with a polite inclination of his head, in apology like for shaking himself free from us. "Estoy major!" Captain Applegarth stepped up to him. "I am sorry I can't speak Spanish, sir, though I understand you to say you're better. We're Englishmen all on board this ship, sir, and I'm glad we've been able to pick you up."

And then came the news of the eleotrocutions in the East, and how the results had not after all been so instantaneous as had been hoped. The Western Engineers raised their eyebrows when they read of the puny shocks by which these men had perished, and they vowed in Los Amigos that when an irreclaimable came their way he should be dealt handsomely by, and have the run of all the big dynamos.

At that moment he caught sight of Punch's attitude, and a smile broke out across his face. "No, no!" he said eagerly. "Amigos! Contrabandistas." "What does he mean by that, Pen?" "That they are friends."

The mouth is placed close to the object and a deep breath taken, often without actually touching the object, being more of a sniff than a kiss. Tr. Now Calle Tetuan, Santa Cruz. The other names are still in use. Tr. The Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País for the encouragement of agricultural and industrial development, was established by Basco de Vargas in 1780. Tr.