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John William Shaw, London, England. Selim Heshmy, Arab. Seedy Mbarak Mombay, Zanzibar. Mabruki Spoke, ditto. Ulimengo, ditto Ambari, ditto. Uledi, ditto. Asmani, ditto. Sarmean, ditto. Kamna, ditto. Zaidi, ditto. Khamisi, ditto. Chowpereh, Bagamoyo. Kingaru, ditto. Belali, ditto. Ferous, Unyanyembe. Rojab, Bagamoyo. Mabruk Unyanyembe, Unyanyembe. Mtamani, ditto. Chanda, Maroro. Sadala, Zanzibar.

While on this subject, I may as well give here a sketch of each of the principal men whose names must often appear in the following chapters. According to rank, they consist of Bombay, Mabruki Burton, Asmani the guide, Chowpereh, Ulimengo, Khamisi, Ambari, Jumah, Ferajji the cook, Maganga the Mnyamwezi, Selim the Arab boy, and youthful Kalulu a gunbearer.

Bombay, in consideration of his rank, and previous faithful services to Burton, Speke and Grant, was engaged at $80 a year, half that sum in advance, a good muzzle-loading rifle, besides, a pistol, knife, and hatchet were given to him, while the other five "Faithfuls," Ambari, Mabruki, Ulimengo, Baruti, and Uledi, were engaged at $40 a year, with proper equipments as soldiers.

"Ask the master's pardon, man, or go thy way," said Mabruki peremptorily, to Asmani: which Asmani did, to the gratification of us all. It remained for me only to extend a general pardon to all except to Bombay and Ambari, the instigators of the mutiny, which was now happily quelled.