United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They talked of their day's experience of the beauty of The Islands of Ronsard, his quaint house and quainter self, so different to the persons with whom they associated in their own exclusive and brilliant Court 'set, and the pretty Countess Amabil flirting harmlessly with Sir Walter Langton, suggested that a 'Flower Feast' or Carnival should be held during the summer, for the surprise and benefit of the Islanders, who had never yet seen a Royal pageant of pleasure on their shores.

Swarthy of complexion, his hair dark as the night, his eyes large and lustrous, with what Milton calls "quel sereno fulgor d' amabil nero," his frame nervous and slender, he looked compact and small beside her. She did her utmost to quiet him, unconsciously using the same words and tones with which she had soothed his passions when he was a child.

Swarthy of complexion, his hair dark as the night, his eyes large and lustrous, with what Milton calls "quel sereno fulgor d' amabil nero," his frame nervous and slender, he looked compact and small beside her. She did her utmost to quiet him, unconsciously using the same words and tones with which she had soothed his passions when he was a child.

"It is very lovely!" she said, more to herself than to any of her companions; "The world must have looked something like this in the first days of creation, so unspoilt and fresh and simple!" The Countess Amabil, walking with Sir Walter Langton, glanced coquettishly at her cavalier and smiled. "It is idyllic!" she said; "A sort of Arcadia without Corydon or Phyllis!

When he had left her, she turned to one of her ladies, the Countess Amabil, and remarked: "A very personable gentleman, is he not?" "Madam," rejoined the Countess, who was very lovely in herself, and of a bright and sociable disposition; "I have often thought it would be more pleasant and profitable for all of us if we had many such personable gentlemen with us oftener!"