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"'Which he could give Chesterfield, Coyote could, kyards an' spades, observes the Colonel. I don't, myse'f, know this Chesterfield none, but I can see by the fashion in which Colonel Sterett alloodes to him that he's a Kaintuckian an' a jo-darter on manners an' etiquette. "As I says, a pecooliar trait of Coyote is that he won't drink nothin' but water.

"You-all alloodes to the little gent who's lame in the nigh hind laig. He appeals to me, speshul, as he puts me in mind of old Colonel Coyote Clubbs who scares up Doc Peets that time. Old Coyote is lame same as this yere person." "Frighten Peets!" I exclaimed, with a great air; "you amaze me! Give me the particulars."

Of course, the term has misapplications; as an extreme case, I've even heard ign'rant tenderfeet who alloodes to the whole West as 'ornery. But them folks is too debased an' too darkened to demand comments." "You are very loyal to the West," I remarked. "Which I shorely oughter be," retorted the old gentleman. "The West has been some loyal to me.

The Western Injuns at least for I ain't posted none on Eastern savages, the same bein' happily killed off prior to my time the Western Injuns lays the bee, the wild turkey, an' that weed folks calls the 'plantain, at the white man's door. They-all descends upon the Injun hand in hand. No, the Injun don't call the last-named veg'table a 'plantain; he alloodes to it as 'the White Man's Foot.

An', of course, it's plain the divers an' several disasters, from the loss of that kyard gent's bank-roll down to the Mexican nuptials of the ill-advised lady to whom I alloodes, can't be laid to its charge. The whole racket shocks an' shakes me to that degree, concloods Enright, 'that to-day I ain't got no settled views on opals', none whatever.

"'Nellie onderstands my feelin's, says Texas, an' he's plumb mournful, 'an' I owes her for them utterances. However, on second thought, an' even if it is a love tale, if Enright will resoome his relations touchin' that eepisode of the Mexican War, I figgers that it may divert me from them divorce griefs I alloodes to.

But Wolfville's a hard, practical outfit, what you might call a heap obdurate, an' it's goin' to take more than them fitful an' o'casional sermons I alloodes to, a hour long an' more'n three months apart on a av'rage, to reach the roots of its soul.

He ain't able to sing his song in the ring. It's jest before they begins. ""Dan," he croaks, plenty dejected, "I wish you'd clown up an' go in an' sing that song." "'This cantata he alloodes to, is easy; it's "Roll Jurdan, Roll," an' I hears it so much at nigger camp meetin's an' sim'lar distractions, that I carols it in my sleep. As the clown throws out his bluff I considers awhile some ser'ous.

We works over the old Jones an' Plummer trail, which thoroughfare I alloodes to once or twice before. I drives cattle over it an' I freights over it, me an' my eight-mule team. An' I shorely knows where all the grass an' wood an' water is from the Red River to the Flint Hills.