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Translated by Mary L. Booth, Translator of Count De Gasparin's Works on America, etc. Boston: Walker, Wise, & Co. It is doubtless a little unfashionable to question the all-sufficiency of statistics to the salvation of men or nations. Nevertheless we believe that their power is of a secondary and derivative character.

He never fully realised how new subjects would alter the method and transform the conception. Spencerian evolution is an assertion of the all-sufficiency of natural law. The authority of conscience is but the experience of law-abiding and dutiful generations flowing in our veins. The public weal has hold over us, because the happiness and misery of past ages are inherited by us.

Through a long series of writings he has carried on the conflict against heterodox, and especially Lamarckian theories of evolution, and has developed his theories of heredity and the causes of variation, of the non-transmissibility of acquired characters, and the all-sufficiency of natural selection.

But this is base, carnal, sensual, devilish; cast, therefore, such thoughts from thee, as thoughts that are not fit for a Christian's breast, and betake thee to those weapons that are not carnal. Use Sixth, Be much in the consideration of the all-sufficiency of thy Father, whose cause thou hast espoused, whose Word thou hast chosen for thy heritage, and whose paths thou delightest to walk in.

The all-sufficiency of our portion is guaranteed because He is 'the former of all things. The safety of His inheritance is secured because 'the Lord of Hosts is His name. And that name accentuates the wonder that He to whom all the ordered armies of the universe submit and belong should still take us for His inheritance.

For the first of these, there is in Christ a fullness of all-sufficiency of all that, even of all that which is needful to make us happy. Hear what he saith of himself, "Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.

From the day of Pentecost onwards, a Christian was not merely a disciple, a follower, or an admirer, but a worshipper of Christ, the Lord. II. We may see here an unfolding of the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ.

On the one hand we have the Darwinism of Darwin freed from inconsequent additions and formulated as orthodoxneo-Darwinism”; on the other hand we have heterodox Lamarckism. Theall-sufficiencyof natural selection is proclaimed by some, its impotence by others.

It is in this and not in any freedom from abuses that the divine power of Christianity appears. Again, it is in this, and not in any completeness or all-sufficiency.... But the achievement of Christ in founding by his single will and power a structure so durable and so universal, is like no other achievement which history records.

Looking on all the men, who in their turn have helped forward His cause a little way, we should let their departure teach us His presence, their limitations His all-sufficiency, their death His life.